
Dealing with a "New Guy"


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
San Antonio Valley California
I got a PM from a "New Guy" in response for my search for a .22 . At first it was a little suspicious for several reasons. I grilled him a bit and also reasoned with him that if I have to trust him then he should trust me. I'm not hard to find and have plenty of credible references here. We have come to a meeting of the minds so to speak and now PayPal is FUBAR again. When and if this deal is concluded I'll give the "New Guy" some credibility if deserved.
Be careful!
No need. I dropped the deal. Huyjen just couldn't give me the warm and fuzzies He could be legit and I'm not saying he isn't. He just didn't make me feel like it was a square deal. I did lay down some stiff guidelines but I would have complied with them had it been reversed with some of the known members here.
No need. I dropped the deal. Huyjen just couldn't give me the warm and fuzzies He could be legit and I'm not saying he isn't. He just didn't make me feel like it was a square deal. I did lay down some stiff guidelines but I would have complied with them had it been reversed with some of the known members here.
Yeah, 10 posts all saying welcome to new member threads doesn't give me any reason to trust a guy coming up with something that I want to buy. How convenient. :rolleyes:
Do a transaction with a new guy whose only posts are exactly 10 of them saying 'welcome' to other new guys and to thank folks for welcoming him (to attain exact minimum status to then be able to message folks?). Could be either a scammer or a predator looking to make hay via DM. Or legit and is just 'different'...

And then does not reply to your post directly but instead uses DM?

Umm, no way. Surprised you went through the motions at all on that one. Even if @Huyjen is totally legit, he/she is still 100% a scammer till proven otherwise in that scenario?

And he is actively stalking this very thread, LOL

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AND!!! He sent me a picture of the rifle with my credit screen name and the date written in the European format? That was my first tell that he might not be straight up.
He sent me a picture of his? Drivers license, his wife's email address for PayPal ( not unusual, mine is in my wife's name) and finally a money request from a Don Harold Rankin. His name is Sean Cassie Hacall from Ohio.
And he just liked your post. LOL. Report him for deletion?
He sent me a picture of his? Drivers license, his wife's email address for PayPal ( not unusual, mine is in my wife's name) and finally a money request from a Don Harold Rankin. His name is Sean
The dude says he's from El Paso but he's probably in Juarez
I'd mess with the guy and tell him you got the funds and are excited to send him his rifle. Keep the game going here. Once you get his address send him something from here

Link is safe to open.
Take the fight to the enemy
You have it backwards
I just sent him this. I know that guys here have sent me stuff without upfront payments and I have done the same. We're talking about a $125.00 old JC Higgins not a brand spanking new #1

"As others have said, you may be a straight up guy but you're going to have to prove it. If you want to go through with the deal, then send me the.22 and I will send you the $$ immediately. If I have to trust you then you will have to trust me. You have nothing to loose by being outed and banned on a public forum. I on the other hand have much to loose on a forum where I am a welcome contributor and well known participant in many buying and selling transactions. Take it or leave it, it's up to you."
Ok Sean, here we are out in the open! If you want to take the send now pay later deal I laid out then myself and a couple others here will probably retract your Scammers reputation. If not, then that's ok too.
He sent me a picture of his? Drivers license, his wife's email address for PayPal ( not unusual, mine is in my wife's name) and finally a money request from a Don Harold Rankin. His name is Sean Cassie Hacall from Ohio.
He said his name was John in his introduction. Bet you a steak dinner he's a scammer.

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