Wolves get removed when they kill livestock after investigations to try and pinpoint who the culprit is. The process also includes non-lethal options to try and mitigate the effect of increasing wolf populations and wolf-livestock encounters. It's irritating to some when the quickest and most effective method of killing them is delayed or denied by "the gubmint". Here in Oregon, we didn't import wolves purposely, they found their way here from neighboring states who did release them. ODFW is trying to manage them in a way that protects the species and provides a way for livestock owners to recoup damages. You can understand, though, that an owner who has thousands of dollars invested in their livelihood would be frustrated by their inability to manage those encounters on their own. Shoot, shovel and shut-up is a catchy phrase but it won't and shouldn't prevail in the long run.Don’t wolves get removed today if they kill livestock?