Daylight Savings time

I thought they were going to get rid of DST a couple of years ago. I'd love to see the gov do something productive for a change! Get rid of that shit dangit lol
It made it through the house or the Senate I don't remember which one, and then died. Somebody is making money off it or we would have seen some changes.

The excuses to continue it and just kill me. Alaska look to getting rid of it but they all wussed out because they didn't want to be 5 hours difference versus 4 if the rest of the country didn't go along. They act like they're running a stock market up here.
I don’t have a preference for standard or dst but just pick one and leave it. Days get longer and shorter regardless of moving the time around
Obviously. But daylight gets longer/shorter asymmetrically, which is why switching 2x a year makes sense. In Montana, more of the daylight comes in the morning as you get into summer. So jumping the clocks up one hour gives you an extra hour of daylight in the evening hours, when the majority of humans are more likely to make use of it. Otherwise we sleep through it at 4am and it gives us no benefit (or for people like me, wakes me up too early...I don't wanna have an 8pm bedtime in the summer!).
Since I retired it no longer matters.
Exactly. If society altered what is perceived to be the "norm" for business hours, average workdays, school days, etc. throughout the year, yeah, who cares. But we don't. Work still starts at 8 and ends at 5. If we're not gonna change our schedules to better suit the daylight, we gotta change the clocks.

Anyway, to each their own, I feel like the time change is going to go away because people don't understand what it does and are too attached to bitching about it twice a year.
I don’t have a preference for standard or dst but just pick one and leave it. Days get longer and shorter regardless of moving the time around
Living in a northern state, I absolutely have a preference. Even though the days get longer and shorter regardless, our 8-5 jobs are still 8-5. And that extra light after work to enjoy my summer evenings, either BBQing at home or being out on the river when the flies are hatching, makes a big difference.
Reasonable discussion

I think Folks who have kids who play outdoor sports like light later in the evenings for practices and for kids who have to walk or bike home after, traveling in the daylight.

For me it is always easier to wake with the sun. For folks who work outside, they seem to start their days when there is good light no matter the time on the clock. As you head further south that work day shortens. In some cases a work day might be 2 parts. hence the Latin Siesta...

I think the issue is we confine ourselves to an 8 hour time period to earn our living. If that is rigid then we rely on what is on the the clock. I'm gonna tell folks anything you can do to make your work hours, the hours you do not want to be out in the sunshine will increase your happiness more than the time on the clock.
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It changes how much sun I get to enjoy in the evening versus while I’m in bed or at work.
In the winter, I drive to work in the dark, and by the time I'm done working, it's dark again.

In the fall, when we lose an hour, it ruins the opportunity to hunt after work.
I’m in the permanent DST camp. Sunrise at 9am is fine by me. I’d rather go to work in the dark than have it be dark when works over.

Plus, it means I wouldn’t need to get up “early” at all to hunt the sunrise. That alone is benefit enough.

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