Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Day Trespass fees for turkeys and deer

Never actually met anyone that hunts that way so no clue.

I've always been able to locate on public, but with that being said I imagine the cost is directly related to the quality of hunting ground meaning it's not a one size fits all approach
The answer is don’t. I repeat, do NOT pay for access, as this perpetuates itself and creates less access for others that cannot “pay to play”. The other issue is it puts a dollar amount on the PUBLIC’S wildlife and leads the landowner to believe it’s HIS wildlife he can charge for.

I suggest knocking on doors or cold calling and trying to find some access, or hunt public land. If and when you find a landowner that is willing to allow access, be sure to AT LEAST give them a sincere thank you, if not a card or small gift. Good luck.
As a South Dakota resident, I kinda kindly ask you to please don’t. Not asking for myself, but on behalf of my almost 5 year old and 2 year old. Still success to be had in these parts gaining permission with honest, direct, and most of all respectful conversation. Gets ruined quick when folks start writing checks and stuffing envelopes full of cash.
As a South Dakota resident, I kinda kindly ask you to please don’t. Not asking for myself, but on behalf of my almost 5 year old and 2 year old. Still success to be had in these parts gaining permission with honest, direct, and most of all respectful conversation. Gets ruined quick when folks start writing checks and stuffing envelopes full of cash.
Nailed it.
Guys offering to pay trespass fees is a drop in the bucket vs outfitters going door to door offering leasing right $. My guess is that outfitters have royally screwed things up across the Midwest and West vs a few average joes asking permission and offering small trespass fees.
Guys offering to pay trespass fees is a drop in the bucket vs outfitters going door to door offering leasing right $. My guess is that outfitters have royally screwed things up across the Midwest and West vs a few average joes asking permission and offering small trespass fees.
That’s your guess.
My reality is different. There are folks that will pay good amounts to lease a 40 acre winter wheat field in hopes a buck walks through it. These aren’t outfitters. They’re folks who have more money than sense and don’t understand the market they’re setting. A couple of my turkey ranches I hunt run 10+ hunters deep for deer on 2500 acres. Not much for big game outfitters.
That’s your guess.
My reality is different. There are folks that will pay good amounts to lease a 40 acre winter wheat field in hopes a buck walks through it. These aren’t outfitters. They’re folks who have more money than sense and don’t understand the market they’re setting. A couple of my turkey ranches I hunt run 10+ hunters deep for deer on 2500 acres. Not much for big game outfitters.
Yup. We see those 40 acre field guys all the time here. The problem is once they do figure out what they've done (if they figure it out) there's a list of guys behind them willing to do the same thing. I think a lot of that is because someone else was paying for the access so they figure it must hold some value. More money than sense is an understatement.
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