Damn Bipartisan Crap ;)

Just an observation. A "forum" regarding public lands and hunters who hunt them.
Two posts back to back about possible "positives" regarding the above. A few replies to each over two days.
A post about plowing snow, something like 14 replies in a couple minutes.
All kinds of conversation on here lately about negativity, partisan bickering, hyperbole. Along comes a chance to weigh in on something political that's not much in the way of controversial or worth sniping (coming from one who doesn't mind the back and forth) at each other over, maybe even a step in the "right" direction - relative crickets.
The snowplowing post already took a political slant (slightly humorous...)..........
Carry on.

This shouldn't be surprising when considering neuroscience is now telling us that our brains are wired to reflexively latch on to negative thoughts (think of this as Velcro) while it takes somewhere around 15 seconds of concentrated effort to "latch on" to a positive thought (think of our brains as having a Teflon coating); it is tough to move out of our limbic system (aka our reptilian brain where fight-or-flight type thinking happens) and stay in the cortex where cognitive thought happens but the benefits of gaining this awareness are innumerable (I'm likely still in the novice stage). News networks and politicians on both sides know how to exploit this human trait and turn us against each other. Thanks, Randy for posting such a positive non-dual story and for everything you're doing for hunting and conservation.
That's interesting Matt, and it would make evolutionary sense for our instinctive reaction assume new information is a threat. Make no mistake though, I think this is a good project, but I'm unenthusiastic about giving positive vibes to Daines because of his very recent history on off-topic issues (plus this should be a no brainer to support). It's not a gut reaction, but a careful analysis of his past. Those who know me know I used to defend him for a lot of different reasons, but the last year has convinced me I was wrong about him, with the biggest issues being off topic. If not bragging him up helps bring him down, I'll sleep without a guilty conscious.
Just an observation. A "forum" regarding public lands and hunters who hunt them.
Two posts back to back about possible "positives" regarding the above. A few replies to each over two days.
A post about plowing snow, something like 14 replies in a couple minutes.........
Just as an FYI, I read just about every post on public land issues or hunting issues, and check back on them every couple days. There are a lot who read but don't post.... too busy slurping down hot bowls of elk pho.
I know posting links to landscape scale conservation projects that a number of good people put a lot of time and effort into, so that we all can have great places to hunt, fish, and recreate on, is boring stuff to some of you. Complaining about everything being awful is much more interesting. Carry on.
The link to the Wisconsin project is a place very close to me. It was funded partly by the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program which has really been attacked by our Governor and state legislature. It also appears to have used funds from LWCF which unfortunately has become another political pawn. These projects are great, but if we want similar accomplishments in the future it will take a little funding and sacrifice
The link to the Wisconsin project is a place very close to me. It was funded partly by the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program which has really been attacked by our Governor and state legislature. It also appears to have used funds from LWCF which unfortunately has become another political pawn. These projects are great, but if we want similar accomplishments in the future it will take a little funding and sacrifice

So letting everyone know about these great projects is a smart idea if we want more of them in the future, right?

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