Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Damage from Warming Becoming 'Irreversible,' Says New Report

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Ten years after the ratification of a United Nations (news - web sites) treaty on climate change, greenhouse gas emissions that lead to global warming are still on the rise, signaling a "collective failure" of the industrialized world, according to the Washington-based World Resources Institute (WRI), a leading environmental think-tank.

"We are quickly moving to the point where the damage will be irreversible," warned Dr. Jonathan Pershing, director of WRI's Climate, Energy and Pollution Program. "In fact, the latest scientific reports indicate that global warming is worsening. Unless we act now, the world will be locked into temperatures that would cause irreversible harm."

This is too serious to keep paying attention to the nuts who say nothing is happening. I'll still be around in 2020 if all goes well, and I don't wanta go broke paying the air conditioning bill.

What a load of caca del toro! The "only" gas emissions from a green house is oxygen! :D If there were indeed a build up of any form of gas, plasma, liquid, or solid within our atmosphere then there would by necessity be a measurable change in barometric pressure with reasonable uniformity throughout the planet. (Of course this excludes any statistical measures derived on or near this forum!) :D
Hey Ithica,

It looks like somebody else (see above) is a subscribing member to the Rush Limbaugh Science Institute.... You know the guys, No Global Warming, The Earth is Flat.....etc....etc...
I'm with paws. As I look out my window,I see snow. Six to eight on the way, just paid a 1,500.00 gas bill for my shop last month, 1,200.00 the month before. I just had the wife's jeep fixed, 1,750.00. Spun out in the snow last month. Bring on the heat. don
Well I guess if the world is coming to a fiery end, I will have work to do...LMAO!!!Or maybe tomatoes will grow better here in Anaconda… :rolleyes:I think the scientists that have spent their lives beating the drums for some thing that still can't even be proven, really eats at them. What was it in the distant past that brought the planet to far worse world droughts than we can even imagine, or for that fact, far worse cooling trends, this ball of mud is supposed to be some couple odd few billion years old and these :rolleyes: people can tell you what is going to happen to the planet because of some 20-30 years of study that only tells what is happening on a daily basis. I will look at that with a cocked eyebrow. Look at the percentages, not at the what ifs. 4,000,000,000 years divided by 100 years at best, my math isn't real good, but I think it is some thing like .00000004. This means that this is the percentage of the earths time line they are working with and they judge all of eternity by this reading. Break this down in decimals and you will have the percentage that the junk scientists can be right on. Gunner, this did not come from the Rush Limbaugh Science lab. It comes from looking at the big picture and not what the doom and gloomers say (your lie spewing left wing nuts that spout world news on the box in your living room) ;) . They only tout their spew because that is how they make a living. The government doesn't pay for positive news. If one only looks at history, there have been end of the worlders out there for as long as there has been written word, funny thing is, the planet is still here and we are all eating good!!!

Maybe if there really is a drum to beat, it should be some place that actually has problems, or that actually puts out a lot of polutants, and that isn't the U.S. Of course it is safe to sit here in the Creators gift to humanity and find every little spec of dirt that sits in every little corner!!! :rolleyes:
Ithaca, if in ten years we are proverbally "fuct", I will buy you one of those hats with a built in parasol (sun umbrella for the unedumacated) ;)
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
Well there's a couple great solutions for ya!! :D :D
Yeah they are possibly the best solutions too.Since you can't beat Mother Nature and I really feel for the most part these reports are simply justifying budgets and grants. I don't fear global warming nearly as much as I do an asteroid hitting the earth.

Face it, the Earth is a living thing, all living things die sooner or later. We can no more perpetuate the species here by any means than we can stop the inevitable decline of the planet. So short of a global nuclear war ,our effect on the planet will be nominal in the over all life and death of the Earth.

If all life on earth ceased in 1,000 years what would the difference be? It's barely a tick of the clock geologically speaking.

We're all parasites here anyway.
"If all life on earth ceased in 1,000 years what would the difference be? It's barely a tick of the clock geologically speaking."

I'm not concerned about 1000 years from now, at this time all I'm worried about is the next 100. By then everybody I now know will be dead. I'm especially concerned about the next 40, because after that I'll be dead. We do possess the means to eliminate threats to our health (even blowing up those asteroids before they hit us) and if there are ways to protect the quality of life for all of us I'm all for it.

BTW, Ain't SI going great these days?? ;)
Who knows where the SI page would be w/out you and ten bears. I believe the rest of us would just like to agree to agree and go hunting (not via our ATV's of course;)
Well, I'd offer some thoughts but I don't want to be called a Limbaugh Parrot. Anyone who has the slightest conservative leaning is called a parrot so I must be one too. :rolleyes: The fact that I have never listened to his show or read his books is irrelevant, I'm sure.

Polly want a cracker!
I think it's funny how many people think that the idea of global warming is some kind of government conspiracy. :D

It's been proven and confirmed I don't know how many times by all kinds of scientists from many different countries that global warming is in fact real and is happening at this time, and is getting worse. How anybody can say that it isn't so just totally flabbergasts me. :confused:

Just because it snowed this year at your house does not mean the global warming theory is a lie! God that is so funny that anybody would even say that. :D
Actually global warming would be a good thing. Here is why,

If the earth warms the polar ice caps will melt. The result of this would be both the east coast and west coast would be submerged, thus eliminating a huge voting block for the democrats. One of the biggest obstacles to the republicans is how to to beat the coastal voters. Problem solved!!

Longer growing seasons. This would reduce world hunger.

I will no longer have to go hunting in the cold. I hate to be cold.