Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Daines- Bill to Reform Monument Designation Process

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Isn't the argument for Bears Ears the greater good and support for the tribal heritage? If that's truly the case we should seek ways to protect these sites on private lands across this country.

That's illogical. You don't extrapolate from the specific to the general; you refine from the general to the specific.

As to the 100k, as Leopold said, the first sign of intelligent tinkering is to keep all the parts. Or, as Doc would say, first do no harm. If it later turns out that the action was not warranted, then Congress is free to un-do the designation. As said before, it's all still there if you or your heirs want to rape it. That's the benefit of savings accounts: they ain't spent. Yet.
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dukes, it was not do-gooders, but paid protesters from what I have been told. (on the pipeline)
dukes, it was not do-gooders, but paid protesters from what I have been told. (on the pipeline)
Wow, I have not heard that. Who paid them and why? That would be a lot of money in that weather. Aren't they still there, or is it over?
Dukes, you're grasping at strawmen arguments that have nothing to do with the antiquities act or protecting public land.

Do better. You've got it in you.
The dog has been busy this summer. Send them on w/ a shovel and let's make my backyard great again.

If prez O was smart he'd declare the Southern US Border National Monument. Preserve site of struggles to reach America. Swarm the area with federal bureaucrats. Border is now secure and no need for the wall.
This stuff in the last half of this thread is why I'm wondering why the hell I keep this money losing headache afloat.

If people don't have better things to do than drive thread after thread into the ditch, please go elsewhere.
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