New member
Here's the rest of the pics guys. I saw more deer in two hours than I've seen in 3 years. I've never in my life tagged four in one day.
some kinda place.
Here's the first doe I got early in the morning.
We saw an old wagon trail road with a telegraph pole still there.
Here's the second doe I got then.
We saw what used to be the Mountain Home, TX school house from 1892 to
1926. Here's the buck I got when we passed that.
Then I got this last doe, and have never used so many tags in one day.[img]
Here's a bunch of deer by the house.
The hunter's on their lease were done for the year. Maybe one of the
Kramer (owner) greandkids will get one of these 8s over the coming holidays.
This is unusual, but not rare. Some of these ranches with lots of deer
and little hunting pressure decide to shoot out 20-25 deer every few
years. You just have to be at the right place at the right time to take
advantage of it when they decide to do it.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-09-2002 21:29: Message edited by: RogerB ]</font>
some kinda place.
Here's the first doe I got early in the morning.

We saw an old wagon trail road with a telegraph pole still there.
Here's the second doe I got then.

We saw what used to be the Mountain Home, TX school house from 1892 to
1926. Here's the buck I got when we passed that.

Then I got this last doe, and have never used so many tags in one day.[img]
Here's a bunch of deer by the house.
The hunter's on their lease were done for the year. Maybe one of the
Kramer (owner) greandkids will get one of these 8s over the coming holidays.

This is unusual, but not rare. Some of these ranches with lots of deer
and little hunting pressure decide to shoot out 20-25 deer every few
years. You just have to be at the right place at the right time to take
advantage of it when they decide to do it.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-09-2002 21:29: Message edited by: RogerB ]</font>