Kenetrek Boots

CWD Regs

I suspect a very low rate of compliance, given the mechanism of communication being used.

I expect the same, but also due to the general lack of giving a &*^$* about following most regulations or ethical issues that it seems many hunters in this state could care less about. From my experiences hunting central and eastern Montana, a good chunk of hunters would rather leave their game whole hanging or sitting in a pile for many sometimes very warm days, before they load them up in the trailer, on the roof of the SUV, or on the hitch hauler for the long drive back to their local processor. I don't see this changing much unless there are serious consequences.
FWP could require that hunters in CWD areas perform a mandatory check in within the CWD zone and turn in the head and spine of their deer/elk. Also require that unsuccessful hunters present their uncut tag to prevent them from falsely reporting no harvest in order to avoid packing out head and spine. You would definitely see a drop in hunter numbers in those areas but that just makes it better for hunters willing to follow the rules. This would require some way to track those who hunt in the zone either with a separate tag for those zones or require anyone hunting there to register with the the FWP that they intend to hunt there. Then FWP would have a list of hunters to follow-up with on either a mandatory check of head/spine or verification of an unused tag. I acknowledge it would be more work but I don't see any other way to enforce the rules. Of course there will still be rule breakers but I think this would reduce the number of infractions.

So far I don't have dog in this fight. I don't hunt in Montana, but I'm watching this closely because the way things are going it is only a matter of time before this ends up Idaho.

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