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Custer Bison Draw

I have enough points to have a real good shot at drawing a non trophy bison in CSP, if I were to ever decide to. Not sure if I'll ever end up doing it though. Mostly because of the price, not the sporting aspect of it.

I've talked to folks that have done the CSP hunt and sure it isn't much of a grueling, challenging hunt, but I do think that while it's not an apples to apples (obviously) opportunity, it is similar to the style of hunt you'd have had in the past if you'd be hunting wild bison on the prairie. On the prairie, you may spot a herd from a mile or more away, take your time walking there, use the wind and some terrain to sneak into shooting range, and pick one off. I don't believe that hunting them on the prairie was ever considered an overly difficult hunt. That's one of the reasons they were so easily extirpated from the plains.

We've all read the fantastic write ups others have written on HT or we've watched a couple of the hunts on Randy's channel or any other number of cool bison hunts that have taken place, but those areas like the Henry's, or the Book Cliffs, or the Kaibab, or Wood Bison in AK are such different terrain than on the great plains. You've got far more challenging terrain and obstacles and hidey holes that present more of a challenge than on the prairie.

To me, the price is the only issue with the CSP bison tag. I'm sure it's still it's own style of fun, for those who have the tag.

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