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Cruz on Public Lands

If we vote Republican we lose our public hunting lands, if we vote Democratic we won't have guns for self defense or hunting......Hmmmmm. tough choices there.
I'm a strong conservative, but I don't trust this cat. I have a hard time voting for or believing any lawyer.
First off, Im not a cruz fan. I cant stand when he goes full preach mode (sounds really fake). Secondly I am a Texan, living in the American west, so I am 100% pro public land.Sometimes I still cant believe I can just pull up to blm/N.F. and just start hunting...have to pinch myself sometimes.

But I think Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I want to be a trespasser? Or do I want to be a public land hunter without half of my income? If the Rep. front runner gets elected, I might have to start trespassing on my own public land. If the Dem. front runner is elected, I might not have any income left over from paying my "fair share" to go hunting. So I guess with Cruzy I could afford bond/bail for the trespass charge, and with "the bern" I could hitch..or ride a free bus?? to hunt. Or maybe they'll be a govt. stipend for gasoline...course there'll probably a carbon tax too...hmmmm

Why does it seem like I have to choose between nutters and thieves?

Anything major has to go through the House and Senate. Look at those majorities and their intent if you want the answer to your question.
Anything major has to go through the House and Senate. Look at those majorities and their intent if you want the answer to your question.

Correct Rob, take the Unaffordabler Insurance Act aka ACA for example.
If we vote Republican we lose our public hunting lands, if we vote Democratic we won't have guns for self defense or hunting......Hmmmmm. tough choices there.

Truth is we have had a Demo president for the last 8 years, and actually have expanded firearms rights. Don't buy into the all or nothing Right wing paranoia.

I actually vote conservative too. Just like Fin, Public Lands, are a cold dead fingers issue with me.:mad:
Maintaining public lands for the public and maintaining / securing public access are front and center ... and the front burner is on high & hot, screaming for attention, involvement, and support.

If you really believe that you may lose the right to own and use your hunting rifle during your lifetime or even within the next two generations ... then you are duped by the propaganda of the NRA and other funding-through-fear organizations. Think about it. Establish your own personal priorities based on fact and logic ... not merely on emotional fear instilled by someone requesting your ill-informed opinion, accompanied by a check or credit card number.
The best hope we have is that the Republican primary is a close race, where these candidates have to come and fight for delegates in the "fly over" territory of the west, MT, ID, and WY, and to some degree, NM and CO. If so, we can elevate this topic to the point that some will remember how many votes it secured/cost to have the positions they do.

If not for that, they pretty much have been bought and paid for my the supposed experts on these topics who get paid to coach them. Experts who don't know chit from apple butter, but given how much they are paid, their opinions will be listened to by these candidates.
I'm much less worried about a democratic president and republican congress coming for my guns than a republican president and republican congress coming for my lands.
Another good reason for you guys who are staunch republicans to keep voting republican. The republicans are the only one pushing this agenda. You'll have your guns but no place to shoot them.
It will all be owned by the Ted Turners and Wilkes brothers of the world.
By "giving it to the people" he really means transferring it to the state so they can sell it to the highest bidder. Quite likely those sales will be to corporations, the extremely wealthy, and to foreign investors. "The people" will get the shaft.
I will NOT vote for that man, even if it means another democratic president. I've told him as much in several emails addressing public lands.
First, thank you for bringing this up Big Fin, I did not know Cruz was so set on this topic. I don't follow politics that much. Like most Americans I believe, I am in the position of choosing between the worst of 2 evils, one wants my guns, one wants my lands. But there are many other topics for others to consider. Taxes, healthcare, labor, and our views are often linked to whether we work for the govt., a union, McDonalds, or are an independent business owner. So, it depends on where we are at in our lives financially, professionally, morally, and spiritually. The kids will like Bernie so they can get "free" college, The NRA folks love the Rs, the independent businessman likes the Rs, the women's libbers love the Ds, it goes on and on - so we all have to ask ourselves, what is our deal breaker topic. For me, a business owner, gun owner, and Christian, I have to stick with the Rs, even if they may take some of OUR land and sell it off someday. I value human life too much at this point in my life and the thought of supporting anyone who supports Planned Parenthood and doesn't condemn them for what they have done is sickening to me. That topic trumps all others for me. So, I guess I'm stuck with the Rs for now. Maybe someday we will get a candidate that has both morals and brains.
First, thank you for bringing this up Big Fin, I did not know Cruz was so set on this topic. I don't follow politics that much. Like most Americans I believe, I am in the position of choosing between the worst of 2 evils, one wants my guns, one wants my lands. But there are many other topics for others to consider. Taxes, healthcare, labor, and our views are often linked to whether we work for the govt., a union, McDonalds, or are an independent business owner. So, it depends on where we are at in our lives financially, professionally, morally, and spiritually. The kids will like Bernie so they can get "free" college, The NRA folks love the Rs, the independent businessman likes the Rs, the women's libbers love the Ds, it goes on and on - so we all have to ask ourselves, what is our deal breaker topic. For me, a business owner, gun owner, and Christian, I have to stick with the Rs, even if they may take some of OUR land and sell it off someday. I value human life too much at this point in my life and the thought of supporting anyone who supports Planned Parenthood and doesn't condemn them for what they have done is sickening to me. That topic trumps all others for me. So, I guess I'm stuck with the Rs for now. Maybe someday we will get a candidate that has both morals and brains.

I think everyone can see your point, and would probably insert a different "issue" in your sentences. They may even insert a different party than you mention.

My point of all these posts on candidates positions on public lands is this - We don't have to accept the "either-or" proposition that they can't be good on public lands so critical for hunting. It is up to us to influence them to change their minds to our favor, no matter which candidate we feel "resolved" to vote for as the lesser of two evils.

I do worry that the "team" approach, compared to the "issues" approach further serves to lead all of us down the path of a false dilemma that a candidate can only be good on one of the issues; that somehow their is a universal diametric argument that pits gun rights against public lands. It doesn't have to be that way. If it ends up that way, maybe we as gun owners and public land hunters have failed in our advocacy of our respective causes.
I value human life too much at this point in my life and the thought of supporting anyone who supports Planned Parenthood and doesn't condemn them for what they have done is sickening to me.
I'm assuming you mean the Center for Medical Progress videos, which were heavily edited. Those videographers were indicted in Texas for all of their bullchit.


Funny how most "pro-life" folks are actually only "pro-birth". Once the baby is born conservatives want nothing to do with them as far as SNAP and other public assistance. They become "lazy moochers". I also find it quite amusing how many "pro-life" conservatives are also pro-death penalty.

Just another wedge issue to distract people while they hand more money to corporations and try to steal your public land.
Keep it on track, folks. I don't want this to hit the ditch and get off course.
Exactly, many topics and issues to consider. Some people believe one candidate's or party's BS and someone else believes another candidate's or party's BS. They are all full of it to a certain degree. I'm just sayn I wish it didn't have to be that way, so I guess we have to choose based on what's most important to us at a given point in life. Until then we need to fight to straighten some of these idiots out on topics like the public lands that may just need more education for the people and the candidates to see that federal lands belong to all of us already.
I don't believe there are many single issue voters in the country and I would never expect anyone to vote against their deeply held principles in regards to their faith, beliefs or world view. However there sale/transfer of public lands is one deal breaker of many.

I am a life long conservative who has been left by the Republican party. I have voted for the lesser of two evils far too many times and have decided I will have simply vote my conscience. Since the current line up looks like the Star Wars bar scene I will again be writing in a candidate who will reflects my view of smaller government, fiscal responsibility, sound monetary policy and moving the country toward the future. I know that no write in will ever win but I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils because you still end up with an evil that makes you want to puke.

I could care less who somebody marries and believe abortion is settled law, like it or not. When Conservatives get hung up on social issues they get their @ss handed to them because the majority of Americans are not there.

Ted Cruz is very intelligent guy who should never be allowed to even enter the oval office.


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