CPW seeks sharpshooting volunteers for elk management

Kneeling? No way. Sitting with shooting sticks for my rifle forearm and my pack on the ground to steady the butt of the rifle… easy.
Must not be many bowhunters in the area.
I can personally guarantee that this is absolutely not the case. It is very rugged terrain around the park, and the park is off-limits to hunting...guess where the elk go.
Or the fact that we have a 5 round mag limit and he didn’t have to reload in the middle of his shots. And no eyes and ears.

All that said, I signed up because I’m close and would be a cool area to spend some time!
Good luck!
I was pretty interested until I heard you had to shoot six times to qualify. Who has that much ammo to spare?

After watching the video I sure hope I would be able to hit the targets every time. That said, I don't have a place to practice at those ranges so I have no idea. I did place a nice shot on a mule deer last week at just shy of 200 yards so maybe I'd be ok.
Balanced Box fed rifle with a arca rail or bag and a tripod, wouldn’t be hard if you’ve done something like it. Walk up there with a top loading 3 shot magnum and some shooting sticks and chances are you’re gonna embarrass yourself.
Yeah that’s a head scratcher for sure. I can see requiring a shot from a position elevated above prone, but there is no sound reason to require kneeling over prone.
My best guess is because that area has very dense sagebrush in places and is relatively flat, requiring you to be able to get above the brush to effectively shoot.