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CPW director on leave after complaint of racist comment

When it comes to Director Prenzlow, it just seems to be an issue of ignorance, for which he apologized.

It’s true that our judgment of moral things should take into consideration both intent and outcome. Here, the intent to harm was nonexistent, and the outcome was hurt feelings.

The desire for resignation or firing is disproportionate.
When it comes to Director Prenzlow, it just seems to be an issue of ignorance, for which he apologized.

It’s true that our judgment of moral things should take into consideration both intent and outcome. Here, the intent to harm was nonexistent, and the outcome was hurt feelings.

The desire for resignation or firing is disproportionate.
His comment should have been "Your hurt feelings are duly noted"... but that is not todays PC touchy feely world.
His comment should have been "Your hurt feelings are duly noted"... but that is not todays PC touchy feely world.
We have become a nation of pussys! Look at everyone virtue signaling now

Everyone is offended by something. She knew he didn’t mean anything mean by it, but decided to get her 5 seconds in the spotlight by blowing it out of proportion. Look at me, I’m a victim. Give me money and make the oppressive colonizer apologize to me!
A couple folks at the event have posted about it on FB, Mahoney's remarks were pretty much what you would expect. The racism/eugenics/genocide accusations appear to be due entirely to the fact that he praises Teddy Roosevelt for his conservation work.

Wonder what Lee thinks of Margaret Sanger?
We have become a nation of pussys! Look at everyone virtue signaling now

Everyone is offended by something. She knew he didn’t mean anything mean by it, but decided to get her 5 seconds in the spotlight by blowing it out of proportion. Look at me, I’m a victim. Give me money and make the oppressive colonizer apologize to me!
Yes, we have. I realized this in the Marine Corps back in 1999 at The Basic School. Our CO, a Major stood up in front of a room full of 2ndLt’s and told a story about an old bull and a young bull on top of a hill overlooking a field full of cows…
I thought, this guy is awesome, I joined one hell of a club here and made a great life decision. Two days later he was relieved by Col John Allen (later to become a 4 star General). Apparently some Lt’s were so offended by his language and the story they had to go rat out this Major to a Col and ruin his career.
At that point I thought I may have made a massive mistake in the direction my life was taking me.
I just submitted this to this address;

Governor Polis,

I am writing to encourage you to retain Dan Prentzlow as CPW Director. I know the Director from my last 3 years' service as Southeast region appointed representative to CPW's Sportspersons' Roundtable (RT). While the RT is mostly populated by white males like me, I have not encountered any racist, sexist or ageist speech, conduct or bias in any of my contact with the Director, group or CPW staff. In fact Mr. Prenzlow has impressed me with his message of inclusiveness to the RT, despite the group's orientation toward the focus of hunting and angling constituents.

One way I am unique on the RT is my profession: Psychotherapist/L.C.S.W., licensed in Colorado and practicing since 1994. My education, training and experience have given me a strong foundation in recognizing and addressing racism and other -isms that people identify with. Groups and individuals have certainly been injured and held back by all the -isms, our path toward healing must and does account for those damages.

When I read the comment that the Director is being investigated for stating, I was reminded of this key principle in my professional training: When I discover a bias in myself or when someone else informs me of one, I deal with it as an opportunity to connect with those who my bias impacts, and learn from them. We all were raised around biased speech, actions and ideas. Acknowledging that should guide us forward. I read the apologies the Director almost immediately.

Those represent the Director I'm acquainted with far better than any interpretation of racism in his spontaneous, perhaps insensitive acknowledgement of Ms. Lee at the conference. I'm a white male, age 60+, and I regularly learn that what I say to others has changed its meaning since I first used some expressions. That does not insulate me from being responsible for my statements, instead it adds decades of context and history to my perspective. I'd wager the same is true for the Director. We have all misspoke.

I do not know what role (if any) the Director played in my selections to the RT. I have no favoritism or obligation to him. I'm a citizen and sportsperson, observing and participating in a process that serves all your constituents. That process has been led capably by the Director during the three years of my involvement. The RT, our constituent sportspeople and CPW have benefitted from Mr. Prentzlow's able administration. I am confident an unbiased investigation will emphasize the leadership, skill and passion you recognized when you appointed him, have continued and grown.

In my profession, conflict is treated as an opportunity to improve individuals and relationships. Should your investigation recommend intervention, mediation between Ms. Lee and Mr. Prenzlow would provide a constructive opportunity for both parties. Do not lose a valuable executive and dedicated public servant due to an uninformed choice of expression.

Best regards,

My name
Canon City and South Park
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Wish I held confidence he would consider reading your message, @elkduds .

Well written! A message reminiscent of quality Civics 101.

Unfortunately, I believe blood's in the water and sharks have already moved in.
That letter to the governor was freaking unbelievable. It's everyone's fault, Dan, Dan, and Shane. Wahhhh.

Sounds like they all had a good group cry though.

My pastor likes to talk about all the hardships God has in store for his people, but having your feelings hurt and being offended isn't mentioned.

I guess we can now have cpw have no direction until Marlon appoints Ellen Kessler after the election. Our priorities are now inclusion, diversity, equity and climate change.

Woke cancel culture
Wish I held confidence he would consider reading your message, @elkduds .

Well written! A message reminiscent of quality Civics 101.

Unfortunately, I believe blood's in the water and sharks have already moved in.
I hope more of us comment in any capacity. If we write to lawmakers once for every 5 or even 10 posts here, we will make stronger points.
Wish I held confidence he would consider reading your message, @elkduds .

Well written! A message reminiscent of quality Civics 101.

Unfortunately, I believe blood's in the water and sharks have already moved in.
Unfortunately with this governor, it will come down to what Kim Kardashian thinks.

Thought I'd heard all the first gentleman cracks, but please elaborate, I'm totally lost on this one.

“our manager’s crazy he always smokes dust! He’s got his own room at the back of the bus!”
-beastie boys
Is more of where my mind goes when I hear a back of the bus reference.
See that's funny because

"Ah now, hush that fuss
Everybody move to the back of the bus"


was what I thought of
no, that word should not be used and we all stated how can you think that just because you and your other "queer" friend are OK with it makes it an OK word
This is actually an interesting side point, spending the last few years in a liberal arts department I've noticed the word queer has done a total 180 in the past year or so. I was in a lit seminar discussing the work of the author Ocean Vuong and everyone was calling him "queer" but me. I'm like no sir, the straight white guy who kills deer over Christmas break ain't stepping on that landmine.

I had to adjust to it but it was apparent pretty early on that that's now a much more accepted and widely-used word. I felt weird referring to a gay person as queer out loud, probably hadn't said the word in fifteen years.

Yes, you're still on HuntTalk, sorry for the unexpected diversion
Yes, queer is now one of the many acceptable terms it seems in certain contexts. "Billy is active in the gay and queer community" might be received differently than "Are you talking about that Queer, Billy?".

Kids would probably get in trouble for saying they're going to play smear the queer at recess.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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