Kenetrek Boots

CPW director on leave after complaint of racist comment

So was Ms. Lee actually standing at the back of the bus or not? Seems that would be an important part of the story. If she was then according to Ms. Lee and others, a statement of fact is "racist or insensitive". If she wasn't then maybe a different story, maybe not.
As a person who has had recent DEI training I can say that I have to believe this was not the first time he was caught saying something like this. I have to believe there is more to the overall story. With that said I also believe there are many issues with a double standard. In my training the person giving the training used the word "queer" and many of us did not like it, she was in fact referring to herself and not to another person, but we all just said no, that word should not be used and we all stated how can you think that just because you and your other "queer" friend are OK with it makes it an OK word to use now because when I was brought up we were told it was a bad word.

So there is the double standard, they can call themselves out, but once someone else does it they are the bad person. Even though this person said they are OK with word, that does not make it right, but we all know it happens all the time. Do you think we should all have signed a petition to have her fired...of course not...IMO she just needs more training herself.
Rosa Parks led the charge with her spirit of resistance!

The intent to find hurt from such is... well, apparently, understood by less people than I expected - especially a female black lady involved in the future of Colorado Wildlife. Had she been quicker on her feet, she could have vaulted herself into the admired spectre vs the hurt / angry, Black Lives Matter culture.
Rosa Parks led the charge with her spirit of resistance!

The intent to find hurt from such is... well, apparently, understood by less people than I expected - especially a female black lady involved in the future of Colorado Wildlife. Had she been quicker on her feet, she could have vaulted herself into the admired spectre vs the hurt / angry, Black Lives Matter culture.
You know this was my thought even if there was some kind of Rosa Parks reference thrown in there (which I truly don't believe is the case) why wouldn't she take that as a compliment? Just my middle age white guy opinion but to each their own. Will be interesting to see how it shakes out
This is my thought. Prenzlow makes a racist comment and she demands that Gates also be removed because he said “n” and because he invited Shane Mahoney as a keynote speaker and Shane Mahoney voiced admiration for Teddy Roosevelt and downplayed the contributions of native Americans and POC in American history????


Outrage over “back of the bus”, I understand and agree.

Outrage over Gates using “n”, I understand and agree.

Shane Mahoney a racist???? I’ve never picked up on the slightest hint. In fact on Randy’s recent podcasts he makes multiple references to the tragic and shameful history of how indigenous people and POC were treated during the European colonization of North America while personally affirming how wrong that was.

Where does the word “nuance” fit into this accusation? Teddy Roosevelts attitudes about POC were racist and certainly unacceptable today, but so were Abraham Lincoln’s.


fixing problems always starts great with "demands."

i'm not gonna lie. this is a little out of control and it makes me feel less bad for her.
I'm definitely confused and would love to talk to someone who was there... in Lee's letter to Polis she says that “Dan Gates roots for Shane Mahoney who he proudly boasts was booked as a counter to Dr. Carolyn Finney".

But on the CPW website it says... I don't know Finney's work, but I'm not sure how Mahoney or Moore are a counter to it?

I'm definitely confused and would love to talk to someone who was there... in Lee's letter to Polis she says that “Dan Gates roots for Shane Mahoney who he proudly boasts was booked as a counter to Dr. Carolyn Finney".

But on the CPW website it says... I don't know Finney's work, but I'm not sure how Mahoney or Moore are a counter to it?

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yeah i'm very confused.

everything about this is looking very odd from every angle it seems.
I learned something new today - “at the back of the bus” being a racist comment. I learned about Rosa Parks in school about 30 years ago. My recollection was that at the time black people had to give up their seat for a white person and stand if there wasn’t enough seats for everyone. Maybe at some time I was taught and knew that the front of the bus was reserved for white people, and if so I’ve since forgotten it.

Racism is still a very real problem in America. Sadly, a variety of persons in our society, for a variety of reasons, zero in on inappropriate comments, sometimes made with no racist intent, made by high-profile persons, demanding they’re removed from their position. In most cases, seems like it does little to move the needle on addressing racism.

We live in a society where it’s very possible to make a career-ending racist comment completely on accident. I’m all for alternative and constructive ways of addressing these occurrences rather than “off with their heads!”
yeah i'm very confused.

everything about this is looking very odd from every angle it seems.
He added that he wanted to formally apologize to attendees in person, and asked that they join him at breakfast the next morning. In her letter to Polis, Lee said that Prenzlow at the breakfast provided “a vague, unfelt apology, while quoting Maya Angelou and saying he is still learning.”
“He’s pushing 60,” Lee then wrote in an apparent reference to Prenzlow’s age.
She wrote to Polis that when Prenzlow came to find her after first making the comment, he said he wasn’t aware of the context of his words and didn’t mean any harm.

I'm shocked she is being allowed to get away with blatant age discrimination like that. I was offended as I just turned 54.
Dragging Shane Mahoney into it is pathetic. I’ve listened to countless speeches of his in person and online, and in Randy’s podcast series.
I’ve never heard anything but reverence and respect for minorities, particularly Native Americans and their culture’s conservation ethic and how the NA model must continue to evolve to be more inclusive toward them.

Fire the asshole that said what he said, but to try to string it together to include Mahoney is ridiculous.
Tucker and friends are going to have a field day with that letter. I wonder if the pro-diversity groups will take her aside and say this is making enemies, not converts.
When did this happen? I have heard him speak many times and never heard so much as a cuss word from him.
Allegedly…. I was just referencing the article. I have no knowledge of the veracity of her claims.

Personally, due to the “bull in a china shop” approach to throwing allegations all over the place, it looks like she’s leveraging an insensitive comment to grant herself an identity of victim/hero/change agent and the world should revolve as she sees fit.
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