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'Coyotes' seen as villains, heroes

Thats why we call this paper [The daily dissapointment] look who wrote the article, I know it`s hard to believe but the AZ Republic is a Pro-illegal immigration newspaper.
I read the article and to me it didn't seem to be pro-illegal immigration. It really didn't come out for it or against it, I didn't think, it was more just stating the facts. If anything, the article shows that more needs to be done to put a stop to illegal immigration, and that wouldn't necessarily mean more enforcement agents, because obviously that is ineffective, but if they would just get rid of the incentives for them to be coming to our country, like free health care, free schooling, jobs, etc. What did you think about the article Ithaca?
I don't think it sounded pro Illegal immigration, but I felt it leaned a little in that direction. I think it was intended for the public to feel sorry for the illegals and to make it sound like it is kind of OK for them to come here to make a better life for themselves. It was anti-coyote for sure. I know I'm being vague, but cant find the words. sorry
Well you guys may be right. I will have to read it again when I get a chance. But to me it would take a real moron to feel sorry enough for those people to support illegal immigration. I mean, sure I feel sorry for them, but not enough to want our country to go to hell helping them. We just can't help every person in this world. We need to take care of ourselves first.
I guess i am such a "hard core" anti-illegal immigrant guy ,that i just can`t see that it makes any sense to praise in any way the coyotes[smugglers].these sub-humans are the "scum" of the earth IMO. This paper has came straight out in support of the illegals, and our governor giving them drivers licences etc. i don`t know how much of the AZ republic that you guys have read [its the only game in town]but they are no doubt pro-illegal[ they say undocumented] maybee i have overreacted to this article[probably] this paper just bought out the "LA Vosta" [the voice] a spanish only newspaper, so they can have a better "influence" over the non english speaking illegals. i can give you many examples of how this paper try`s to influence everything from "elections" to Football stadiums for billionares.
What Cj says about the Paper and out lesbian gov. is correct.

ANd lets not get started on the football stadiums, I will have a fugging stroke

Delw, might help if you had a football team to put in the stadium! Sorry, couldn't resist.
I Personally would like to see it built into a big Aquarium or a shooting range.

As far as a football or any sports team, they can all goto hell
Moving targets across the end zone, you know the kind that flip back when you hittem!That might actually get people in the stadium. But i don`t care if they won 10 super bowls in a row! No welfare for billionairs!
BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS!{sarcasm] The front page, yes front page has the news at the top of it [AZ republic] that Curt Schilling is leaving the az diamondbacks, this is what the dopes running the paper think is more important than, [the war, illegals, crime,etc.] who gives a rats ass about an overpaid crybaby going to another team, this belongs in the sports section, where there is another article[thats ok] thats where it belongs. wouldn`t the medicare[1 billion for illegals] thread be more important to the "GENERAL" public?
To their credit there is an article [front page] about bark beetles, but about a baseball trade front page, give me a break!
We need to quit giving the illegals free welfare, medical, and other support. Let the rich employers of the nannys and gardeners pay their costs. Shoot the coyotes and smugglers as they cross.

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