Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Coyotes at night


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2020
looking at getting into thermal hunting for coyote this next season. Im trying to figure out if there is a preferred method for entering a field and scanning it while calling. Do you enter witha red light or white light? To your setup and then scan just thru the thermal on rifle or use a monocular? Just looking at getting into thermal hunting it right now
I typically park then scan the area with my monocular. If it's clear, I'll keep walking in being mindful of wind. I'll stop and scan until I get to the area I call. I use a white light and try to keep it pretty concealed. Some nights the moon is so bright you don't need a light at all.

Starting out, scanning with your thermal on the rifle is ok. I think you'll quickly see it's a lot easier to have a handheld scanner as well, but the cost adds up.
Sometimes a dim red light on the ground when walking in. Once set up, all the lights go out and we use the nightvision and thermal
If I know the ground well no light, but red is best if need to use one.
I walk and scan with mono, cover fair bit of land, shoot off three pod stick
I guess it depends on what type of thermal you are using. Mine have built in wifi and Bluetooth so I or a spotter can watch the scanning on an iPad or other device without being stuck inside the scope. Use Bobro mounts and put the thermal on a tripod, or leave it on the rifles while remote viewing on a different device.
The price of getting into this looks high but it would be great to have something to do after season or even whenever I have a chance to jump out at night. My area is hurting badly from coyotes with no one trapping. I’ve gotten trailcam pics of 5 coyotes in a single photo. Literally having fhem chase deer by me while in the stand this past season. I want to do my part