Kenetrek Boots



Aug 16, 2017
Anyone ever eat coyote? Just watched Rinella's video on youtube and I'm curious anyone else's experiences. How have you cooked it?
Go for it. From what I've seen not even scavengers will chew on a carcass. Must mean something.
Coyote=nasty same goes for jack-rabbit.

Hank Shaw would disagree with you about the jacks...

Lol also on the list of things people say taste nasty; Pronghorn, Mule Deer, Black Bears, Mt. Lion, Turkey, Brown Trout, Bass, Lobster, Javelina, Wild Bore, Moose, Catfish... :rolleyes:

I'm sure if you got the hide off quickly, marinated it for a day or so and then through it in the sous vide for 48 hours it would just taste like any other meat... I guarantee if you cut it with pork and ground it it would taste like every other ground wild game meat.
Hank Shaw would disagree with you about the jacks...

Lol also on the list of things people say taste nasty; Pronghorn, Mule Deer, Black Bears, Mt. Lion, Turkey, Brown Trout, Bass, Lobster, Javelina, Wild Bore, Moose, Catfish... :rolleyes:

I'm sure if you got the hide off quickly, marinated it for a day or so and then through it in the sous vide for 48 hours it would just taste like any other meat... I guarantee if you cut it with pork and ground it it would taste like every other ground wild game meat.

If it takes that much work and time to make a jack rabbit edible, I'll pass. Feel free to have my share. I'll keep using jacks for target practice.
The antelope jackrabbit is a tasty critter, along with snowshoe hares and cottontails but there black tailed cousin on the other hand isn't the worst thing I've ever had but I will leave that in the toolbox along with coyote meaning I will dine on them when armageddon occurs.
Coyote .NO last one down smelled like Crawdad barf!Antelope Jacks Rock!Hindquarters and backstraps,as well as tenderloins are awesome.
Shot some Jacks looked like Greyhounds.Marinade in Italian dressing. dirtclod Az.:cool:
It against everything in me to try and think about eating a coyote. Would have to be starving.
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