Coyote hunting legal ?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2013
Ok so here's the deal , our group (4 nonresidents) is coming to central montana to hunt deer mid November again , everyone got the deer combo . 1 more friend wants to join but due to family obligations he won't know until about 2 weeks before our trip if he can go . He doesn't wanna spend $ for the big game combo since deer combos will be gone and is only interested in maybe calling in some yotes , so here's the question ...... What licenses does he need ? Any help would help me big time . Thanks
About the only thing that would be good for him to have is a State Land Use Permit and a Conservation tag. No other license required.
About the only thing that would be good for him to have is a State Land Use Permit and a Conservation tag. No other license required.

Yep, If you hunt the Missouri Breaks, the CMR requires a valid Big Game license to hunt coyotes, Why? good question. And only during the open big game season. :confused:
Yep, If you hunt the Missouri Breaks, the CMR requires a valid Big Game license to hunt coyotes, Why? good question. And only during the open big game season. :confused:
You think that's bad, the state of Indiana has a set season for the darn things!:eek: 10/15-3/15. Same season as the striped skunk... :rolleyes:
WT_in_MT, thanks for posting that. When I read that above post I had red flags going up as I didn't think that was correct. For those that don't want to click on the link here is the response from the MT FWP website as to whether you can hunt coyotes on the CMR or not:

"Coyote hunting is allowed from the first day of the antelope rifle season through March 1. Coyotes may be hunted only from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset (no permit required). Coyotes cannot be hunted with the aid of dogs, aircraft, or mechanized vehicles. Electronic Calls are permitted for coyote hunting."
Yes I see you are correct, me wrong. :eek:
However in my defense, This regulation has changed and not all that long ago.
I think the change has to do with the Prairie Dog and the predation by Coyotes on the released Black Footed Ferrets, so, the laws relaxed a bit on the Coyotes.
Please correct me again, if I'm wrong. :)
Last time I checked, Electronic calls were NOT allowed on the CMR. That may have changed, but I haven't seen anything.
Big Sky- one slight correction is the link is to the CMR NWR website, not MFWP.

Highwood- coyote hunting has been allowed from opening day of antelope rifle to March 1 at least back to 1988. I've never heard, or seen anything in their regulations, that a big game license is required to hunt coyotes. Yes you have to have the appropriate state-issued licenses to hunt, but there is no license required to hunt coyotes in MT; therefore, no hunting license is required to hunt coyotes on the CMR. Their number is 538-8706, should you wish to verify.

wdkrings- they were prohibited at one time. In fact, a 1999 map said artificial lights and electronic calls were prohibited for hunting wildlife. However, their 2015 hunting regulations only list artificial lights as prohibited. There is no mention of electronic calls. The link I posted above, as pointed out by shoots-straight and copied by Big Sky, specifically says they are allowed for coyotes. I don't know when that changed, or why.
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