The virus restrictions that we see now may only be getting started. If they can take away your job or not let you go on a plane without papers what could be next? What if next year or in the next few you can't get a hunting license without having got the shot or a recent booster? If you think that's crazy did you see people losing jobs at this time last year for not getting the shot? We all need to fight for our freedoms regardless of opinion of the shot and covid. If we don't think these things can be put in place we are fooling ourselves. What has happened already has never happened before and against the laws we have in our country. The USA has been the best country in the world because of our protection of freedom. Most of us do not realize how much freedom we have compared to the rest of the world. If we lose that we can forget about going on that Western elk hunt. Randy has shown us how to stand up for hunting on public lands. We need to now use that on the virus restrictions front as well.