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COVID-19 Humor. No politics, no typing, no replying.

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Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'SMOKEY ONLY YOU CAN STOP CORONAVIRUS WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!'
meh, the republicans have been socialist for a long time.
Jr. introduced the modern bailout.

The only thing funnier than coronavirus memes are FB posts by conservatives extolling the virtues of a $1 trillion socialist cash give away by "their" president.
Is anybody else not finding it that funny anymore?
Certainly understand that some may think that, and seems like this would be a thread for them to ignore, but for many humor is a way of dealing with difficult topics.

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Is anybody else not finding it that funny anymore?

Mixed feelings on the subject, guess it depends on how you view death, For every single person on earth the same holds true, from dust we came and to dust we shall return. Personally I hope when I’m gone those who remember me, smile and say god damn that guy!... we are all only here for a bit of time, no point in living if you can’t look at even to worst of situations and find something to make you smile, and I say that with all due respect to those who are suffering right now. People deal with different things in different ways, personally I feel that if I can’t find something to laugh at in this predicament, it’s likely I would die from the anxiety

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