Couple of More Firsts


Dec 7, 2005
Boise, ID
I've hunted columbian sharptails twice in CO, striking out both times. The first time I hunted for two days, found only one lone bird, shot it, and then proceeded to lose it, which quite frankly ruined that hunt. The second time was a couple years later for another two days and again we got into birds just once. My buddy bagged one, but I had only one opportunity and missed an easy shot.

So this season I was determined to get one. We made a long day trip over to eastern ID opening weekend and hunted all day with no luck. I was convinced this bird had become my nemesis.

The next weekend, however, I had planned to go deer/elk hunting, but instead made the drive back over to the eastern part of the state to try yet another new area. This time when the dogs went on point, I did not let them down.


The next day I explored a different area and was successful again. One of the brittanys actually pointed and retrieved this bird, but when it came time for the photo shoot, my shorthair muscled his way in. :D


The dogs also turned up some sage grouse that day, but there was no season on them where we were so I just took pictures.


Last weekend I made a turn-around trip to hunt the oak hillsides of northern California for mountain quail.


And as with the sharptails, I had little information to go on. But after picking up a two-day license, hiking for a few hours and getting excited over two false points, my shorthair did have something to retrieve.



Not long after, one of our britts made a great point and I folded a second bird nicely. I watched exactly where this one fell, but it still took me twenty minutes to locate it. It was so thick the dogs couldn't get to it.

Beautiful country for sure. I definitely want to return and spend more time hunting here.


I was on a tight schedule though and it was a lot of driving, so after that I called the mission accomplished and headed back over to Oregon to look for more quail, grouse, and then chukars on the the drive back, but we didn't have much luck.

The sharptailed grouse was upland species #14 and the mountain quail #15 for my shorthair. Next fall I'm hoping to make a trip out to the midwest for the few birds we have left on our list: bobwhites, prairie chickens, and woodcock. In the meantime, we're heading down to our old stomping grounds in AZ for quail, quail, and some more quail. :)
Look like a great way to burn up the winter down time. Sure beats sitting at home watching the snow coming down outside.
Very cool!
Sharptails are hardy birds for sure!
Those little mtn quail are sure handsome. I got a half dozen of them in 3 years of hunting the west side of NV. I wish I'd of taxidermied a male/female pair.
Great the pictures- especially the IM shirt.

But I sure hope those birds tasted better than elk tenderloin......but on the bright side, less weight to carry out, right?
Great the pictures- especially the IM shirt.
That's just a 70.3 shirt -- not trying to pose as a real IM. ;) Btw when the time came, I waffled on signing up for IMAZ '10. A big part of that decision was the fact that I'd rather make a couple of long bird hunting trips next year without any distractions of a big race looming. I am however penciled in for the 2011 event, since I've now got my brother signed on with me. I did just buy myself a new Santa Cruz XC mtn bike, so I am excited about racing a few XTERRA's next summer. But as you know, those shorter events are far less demanding training-wise.

Mtn quail are on my list.
WD, if you want some company when you decide to head over for them, let me know. As I said earlier, I'd love to go back and hunt those little guys again.
where was that in NORCAL im from shasta county and cant find a whole lot of public land to hunt bird on seems its all sold off to ranchers that charge an ungodly amount to hunt their property
BG- Congrats on the birds!! I had the opportunity to head to NV this weekend to try for Mtn Quail, but work and wife's work got in the way... That's quite the tally you've gotten on the number of species. If you decide to head out for prairie chickens, I may have some info that could be of use.
BillyGoat - I was wondering if you would be willing to trade some hunt location information with me about where to go Mtn. Quail hunting in N. California? I recently hunted Mtn. Quail in Nevada and was unsuccessful and found that they were extremely hard to hunt and find. I have got all the grouse in N. America, 5 Snowcocks, and all the quail except for Mtn. Quail. If you would let me in on some locations I could get a Mtn. Quail I would be more than willing give you information on where to hunt Lesser Prairie Chickens, Greater PC's, Blacktailed Ptarmigan in CO, or any other game bird that I have hunted. Or maybe I can meet up with you in N. Cali next Dec. and we could both hunt them. I have 2 Drathar pointers that are itching to go. I am also good friends with 1_pointer, and we have hunted many of these other birds together. My personal email is [email protected]. I live over in Burley, Idaho
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What's a "blacktailed ptarmigan"... I've killed whitetailed ptarmigan in CO, but never heard of that. I'll send you an email regarding mtn quail...
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