Caribou Gear Tarp

Couple of California bulls


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
2004 Rocky Mt. Bull

2005 Tule Bull

.....and I'm still 0 for 13 years on a tag :( ...but it's nice to know they're out there!
I really like that top bull, nontypicals really do it for me. I like the gnarly-ness (is that a word?) and palmation. The Tule is really nice as well, it was shot with a bow, the guy put a lot of time into scouting them, I kinda followed along with him on another site.
Awsome bulls Marv !

Am I the only one who is driven crazy by pictures of a rifle pointed directly at yourself ? My 10 year old son just passed his hunter safety class and when he gets home from school and looks at that picture the first thing he'll notice is the muzzle of that gun pointed right at that guys own gutpile !
Thanks Harly!

Del- Ed said it would score in the low 3's as a 7x7

Tone- I know the site your talking about and Ed did put in some serious time scouting and patterning....the payoff was the first morning of the first day he hunted :) Those Owens bulls are fun to watch.

Ben- First thing I saw as well! That bull is from Modoc County near where I deer hunt (when drawn) and was a hog. I thought the "published" scoring was a little suspect on Beggs' bull since the points are blunted off- but its got mass out the ass... who knows? It's a toad alright- paper said it was a 9x10 and scored 404 2/8 B&C — not bad for his first elk!
404 2/8? Its a great bull, but from the pic it doesn't appear to have the length to go that high, to me anyways. Lots of mass for sure, but I wouldn't have guessed it to score like that.
Agreed....but its hard to judge/score a non-typ. I would have liked to see a side view of that bull esp. his left beam.

by the way, the state record typical came from the same area the year prior and scored 389 and's now part of the RMEF "Great Elk Tour"
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