I'm wanting to switch my base layers over to merino wool from the under armor I have been using, and I'm wondering what everyone thinks of the core4element line. I've seen their 190 weight base layers up on camofire a few times now and am thinking about pulling the trigger. Anyone have any first hand experience? I want a camo layer for the top, and I know first lite is another company that makes one but it's a little spendier. Are they worth the extra money? The bottoms I don't care what color they are so I am sure there are lots of companies making those. I've heard smartwool, icebreaker, KUIU, firstlite are all nice? I also noticed cabelas has Russel brand merino wool base layers in the bargain cave, but the reviews on those seem mixed. Will want to use these as base layers year round and add layers as it gets later in the season. Thanks.
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