PEAX Equipment

Copper Bullet questions, as I make the switch

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Did some reloading with 120grn etips over Christmas. I was loading for accuracy rather than performance so I didn't bother getting the chrono out, that being said for whatever reason my rifle likes really hot loads with 64 grains of Retumbo I was seeing 2 inch groups at 100yrds but at 68 grains I was getting three shots to touch. There is pretty limited load data, honestly I was cross referencing the nosler and barnes load info to guess at a starting load, so since I was getting a nice group I decided to stop at 68, given the barnes data I would guess I'm around 3300fps.

One thing I didn't do was adjust the seating depth much... right now the bullets are right on the lands as that was what was shooting the best with partitions and swift a-frames.
If 68gr is giving you good groups and no pressure signs I would suggest loading some more and test again to ensure your velocity and groups. Many people load lead free at least .050 off the lands but if they are shooting good groups and your velocity is good I would probably leave them as is.
If 68gr is giving you good groups and no pressure signs I would suggest loading some more and test again to ensure your velocity and groups. Many people load lead free at least .050 off the lands but if they are shooting good groups and your velocity is good I would probably leave them as is.

Does loading right on the lands affect barrel life more than off the lands? As far as loading I always get a bit nervous approaching max just because the data for the .264 is all over the place and I am definitely a beginner.
Writer John Barsness did an article on the 264 Win Mag loading a few years back with data on some of the newer powders. Definitely would be worth tracking down and much of the 264 data is far from new...

I can't imagine distance to the lands will affect barrel life to any appreciable amount. One thing I like about starting my load workup close to or at the lands is twofold: 1. pressure goes down as you away and 2. you only have one way to go.

Hodgdon has data online for the 264WM and you appear to have a bit of a cushion though the 120gr bullet they have listed is not a mono.
Thanks for the tip, found the issue online and ordered a copy, #285 in Handloader.

You kinda hit the nail on the head if you go by hodgdon I have some cushion, barnes says I'm above max nosler doesn't list the powder... and their factory loads are 200fps below their published "most accurate load tested". I have a lyman manual that I got from the guy I bought the gun from, circa 1963 and it has loads significantly hotter than anything published currently.

Granted I get that you have to do your own testing and every gun is unique... but it's a hell of a caliber to cut your teeth on.
264win data is definitely all over the place. I don’t think loading to the lands has much affect on barrel life at all. Just remember that as your throat erodes you will need to adjust your OAL to keep loading on the lands.
If your brass has no ejector marks, no case head expansion and your primer pockets are tight I’d say to chrony the load next time and see what velocity you are getting. Seems you have found a pretty good load and I’d stick with it.
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