Copper bullet performance

I have nothing but praise for Barnes TTSX. Personally since making the switch over 2 years ago I have taken 1 muley buck 360 yds frontal and found the bullet under the skin of his rump. 4 whitetail doe from 100-250 yds complete pass through broadside. 1 whitetail buck quartering toward complete pass-through 150 yds. My daughter shot a doe during youth season 80 yds frontal found bullet under the skin on the rump. All with a .308 Win 150gr Barnes TTSX 2800 + FPS. Compared to lead core bullets I have experienced less meat damage. Blood trails seem the same if not better.
I dunno, I have killed 2 elk with my Barns 200Gr LRX. One I found against the far hide in a perfect mushroom, broke both shoulders at 373 yards. The other was a pass through. Both elk went down like they were hit with sledgehammer. They never moved. Mine are running 2556 FS and 2902 Ft lbs at 350yards. I think they are really good bullets.

MTMULEY says get a RUM, I dunno, mine is a Nosler .30.
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The 80grain Copper Fox claimed two more deer today, I watched 2 roe deer but couldn't identify them, so they walked into the wood, but within a few minutes the reds appeared, dropped the big hind on the spot 150 yards, the calf hung around so took it as well. It ran about 50 yards.
I'm getting very fond of these bullets, not much of a blood trail though.
This is the photo of heart

This is inside the Hind, so I thought exit was in the photo but I didn't get it in.
You can see the entry though
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I've switched to Barnes TTSX 180gr and 168gr, or whatever weight I can find them these days. They shoot great out of my Rem 700. Great info from this thread, lots of food for thought.

I was wondering, does the shot placement through double front shoulders cause excess meat damage? Or is it a matter of priority when hunting close to private property that it's a higher priority to drop the animal in it's tracks, then worry about a little more meat loss?
I had a weird experience this year. With 150 gr TTSX, I shot a small WT that was broadside at 100yds. Entrance was near lung but it exited out the far-side quarter!
I had a weird experience this year. With 150 gr TTSX, I shot a small WT that was broadside at 100yds. Entrance was near lung but it exited out the far-side quarter!
View attachment 164511
I had a very similar experience with a kudu. The kudu was broadside, shot entered at the rear of the front shoulder, bullet was found in the off-side ham with a deformed tip and no expansion. PH had the skinners track the bullet's path and it appears to have touched the side of a front shoulder bone and spun out at a sharp angle.
Maybe it is just me, But my opinion of the TTSX is not that high. I have shot at least 20 deer with them and while I did kill every one, I am a little bummed by the lack of good blood trails and small entry and sometimes very small pencil size exit wounds. I am trying to make up my mind what to use for my new 6.5PRC when I can actually get components to reload. First and only kill so far was a bang flop at 275yrd but the 143Gr ELD-X lost 100% of lead and 36Gr of jacket is all that made it to the other side and stopped by the hide. Not happy with that either but in the end I will put up with a bang flop and lost meat over looking around up to an hour for a deer that went 150 yards and took a long time to find because there was little or no blood. The compromise would be something in the middle like a partition but with better BC. Anyone suggest a copper that might expand a little better at short and long (up to 500yrds) than ttsx?
Maybe it is just me, But my opinion of the TTSX is not that high. I have shot at least 20 deer with them and while I did kill every one, I am a little bummed by the lack of good blood trails and small entry and sometimes very small pencil size exit wounds. I am trying to make up my mind what to use for my new 6.5PRC when I can actually get components to reload. First and only kill so far was a bang flop at 275yrd but the 143Gr ELD-X lost 100% of lead and 36Gr of jacket is all that made it to the other side and stopped by the hide. Not happy with that either but in the end I will put up with a bang flop and lost meat over looking around up to an hour for a deer that went 150 yards and took a long time to find because there was little or no blood. The compromise would be something in the middle like a partition but with better BC. Anyone suggest a copper that might expand a little better at short and long (up to 500yrds) than ttsx?
LRX or Hammer

The 127LRX would be a great bullet to try from a PRC.

What bullet weight/ velocity were you shooting with the TTSX
The compromise would be something in the middle like a partition but with better BC. Anyone suggest a copper that might expand a little better at short and long (up to 500yrds) than ttsx?
The Hammers act a lot like a copper partition, great expansion.

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