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cool bot, anyone tried it


New member
Jul 30, 2002
New Mexico
I have been working on a walk in cooler to hang meat and found this website. It should be cheaper to to install and operate than a compressor and standard refrigeration unit. Plus I can install it myself. Anyone seen this or tried it yet??
all it pretty much is , is a fancy thermostat. and of coarse stretching the truth on the price to get a cooler compressor by like 1k.
you can get one anywere for much less.

A window ac is exacty the same thing as a walk in frige is, it uses r-12 just like the old cars. They do have a bigger evaportor coil that is split from the main unit.
s basically take your window unit take the evap coil and fan and run it inside the cooler and the compressor and condenser motor outside and you have a walk in cooler, most have the same size compressors also.

However you can use a window unit just fine and it will work just as good as along as you just temp the tep control system, probally do it for 50 -100 bucks.

if you took a window unit and used a walking unit temp control you would have basically the same thing.