Conservation group ends wolf predation payments

DOF wildlife didn't introduce the wolves. I think we should be thankful they stepped up to pay what the did -- even it was purely a PR move. I have no idea where their money came from, what they initially agreed to pay, or even where they currently stand on the issue. The fact is, if the government agencies (state and federal) involved with the reintroduction had their #%!$ together then we wouldn't be dealing with a majority of this crap. Yes, most of the blame could probably be dumped on Wyoming, but I doubt anyone involved was surprised that they were going to do what they're doing now. They made it clear from the beginning that they wanted to kill every last wolf not in YNP.
I believe they said they're going to use that money to figure out ways to better prevent future livestock conflicts. The most economically viable option that I can come up with involves a couple boxes of merchandise from one of Randy's sponsors. I'm sure Federal would be more than happy to sponsor that endeavor.
The money for the fund came from private donations. It was doled out rather sparingly. Among most livestock producers I've talked with, the program was viewed as kind of a joke. The hoops you had to jump through made it almost not worth it.

They cancelled the program because the Fed created the Livestock Loss Mitigation Program last year (Tester and Barasso's Wolf Kill Bill). However, that has never been fully funded.

DOW has said that the money will go for mitigation for ranchers, but as with all things DOW, we'll see.

Suspending the program right now though is bad pr for them.

As for WY, in the beginning, the G&F wanted trophy game, but the Ag lobby wanted predator classification. The Commission at the time was heavy on the ag lobby side, unfortunately.
They really are one of the most tone deaf organizations around.

Why should any Welfare Rancher be compensated for his losses? Keep his damn cows off of My Public Lands and he wouldn't have near the risk of loss. The Welfare Rancher already has plenty of rights to shoot wolves on his own deeded land, he doesn't need one more place to be holding his hand out, begging for more money to subsidize his Range Maggots on My Public Lands.

Never ceases to amaze me how "dependent" the Great American Independent Cowboy is.....
I wasn't speaking so much to the right or wrong of compensation, just the politics of it.
One thing is for sure, if Defenders of Wildlife was to keep paying for wolf killed cattle things will get nothing more then more expensive every year.
I just cruised the DOW website, as well as their FB site. I had never been. I like how they promote wolves using all those cute little pups as pictures, and all the anti-wolf sites use a mean snarling adult wolf with blood all over it's mouth.

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