Kenetrek Boots

Conservation Funding

Why not just require everyone that wants to use public lands to purchase a hunting license? Change the name to “hunting and conservation license.”

It is a good idea, this past summer CPW passed a law requiring everyone using state trust lands that are leased by CPW to purchase a hunting or fishing license. They got sued by some animal rights group who didnt want to be associated with hunting/fishing. I think it is not within the state agency's purview to simply charge a fee to enter these lands, it has to be through some sort of "consumptive" license. I'm not sure on the specifics of that, however.
It is a good idea, this past summer CPW passed a law requiring everyone using state trust lands that are leased by CPW to purchase a hunting or fishing license. They got sued by some animal rights group who didnt want to be associated with hunting/fishing. I think it is not within the state agency's purview to simply charge a fee to enter these lands, it has to be through some sort of "consumptive" license. I'm not sure on the specifics of that, however.
All kinds of parks all over the country require user/visitor fees. Nothing (except political willpower) stops CO from requiring visitor fees for all users of state lands. But to shoe-horn it into hunting/fishing licenses probably violated any number of laws/regulations.