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Conservation Content On Our Channels

This is awesome. There are so many volunteers who sacrifice their time, money, sanity & family lives to make the world a better place than what they inherited. Giving them some love not only helps them feel appreciated, but helps show the next volunteer that their efforts can & do make a huge difference.
Agreed, the unsung heroes of the cause, so often the only time they are recognised is in an obituary!

Great film @Big Fin as for other content, watching Marcus reminded me of the cooking program with Marcus and his wife was brilliant and light hearted, they worked well together and I'm sure it would attract a good number of views.


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Loved this episode, it’s additional education for me as a current non-western hunter. Waiting for my first draw coming this May. I say keep them coming. Marcus did a great job and Thankyou!
Thanks Big Fin, Marcus and crew for the efforts, and keep them coming.

I hope that this film will be followed up by spring, summer and fall editions covering these same wildlife areas, even though elk may not be as concentrated as they do in the winter grounds, I presume that these lands are invaluable for all manners of wildlife year round.
Great stuff. Of course, I like the Montana-centric stuff, and want to see more of them. Especially the one with Poz and his battle for Paradise Valley.

But there are some good stories out there: mule deer on the Kaibab (lot of lessons there); Key Deer in the Keys (so few even know about them); dip your toe into the wild horse/burros...; Invasive in everglades (with some iggy action); Condors, lead-free and hunter response in AZ; conservation of non-biggame efforts (sage grouse, prairie chicken).

I also like the idea of some bios of guys that are largely forgotten anymore: Pinchot and Grinnell among them.
I'm really impressed with how far Marcus' on screen personality has developed. No offense, but he seemed a little wooden in the past. He really shined in this conservation episode and he kinda reminded me of those Saturday morning nature show hosts I watched as a kid (in a good way!).

I hope you guys do more of this. Maybe highlight migration corridors and projects being implemented to protect them.
Something I think would be cool to see is some content during the offseason helping with RMEF, Mule Deer Foundation, etc. conservation projects. My guess is that there is a good swath of people who don't know what these various groups are doing and another good chunk that would like to be involved somehow, but don't know how to get started.
“Selfless” was as good a film as any I’ve seen lately. I’d be in favor of more conservation themed films in the future.
I like the way you presented it on the Kaibab hunt a few years ago. It was still a hunting episode, but the interviews with AZGF taught the viewer a lot about what goes on with Kaibab management, and how hunters play a part.
I’m sure it’s not always possible to have the wildlife manager meet you out in the field and some places probably don’t have that interesting of a conservation story to tell, but when it can be done, I really liked the way it was presented.
I like the way you presented it on the Kaibab hunt a few years ago. It was still a hunting episode, but the interviews with AZGF taught the viewer a lot about what goes on with Kaibab management, and how hunters play a part.
I’m sure it’s not always possible to have the wildlife manager meet you out in the field and some places probably don’t have that interesting of a conservation story to tell, but when it can be done, I really liked the way it was presented.

That's good feedback. One challenge is that most agencies will not let their people appear on an episode. They are usually restricted to agency video appearances or new appearances. AZ G&F is very good about sending their people out in the public eye to raise the visibility of the agency. Others, not so much, if at all.
I think some reminder content on information (as an example of the Pittman- Robertson Act function) will educate the younger generation what still occurs and how it works and will reinforce how taking part in these outdoor activities supports wildlife' The younger generation seems is not taught or updated on how programs like this work. An occasional reminder for them would be an eye opener for their participation and recruitment.
Just keep embedding the conservation clips in your hunt videos. I really enjoy the conservation aspect in with the suspense of the hunts as well. Education and entertainment and if you can tie the two together in a way that makes sense (landscape, species, region) and if not just an over arching message. Preach on Uncle Randy.
That's good feedback. One challenge is that most agencies will not let their people appear on an episode. They are usually restricted to agency video appearances or new appearances. AZ G&F is very good about sending their people out in the public eye to raise the visibility of the agency. Others, not so much, if at all.
Come to WA our men and women of WDFW were on a show about Wardens. Although not sure what you would want to come hunt here, August high alpine bears would make a decent show if in a none wilderness area with the film permit issues