Kenetrek Boots

Congratulations Elk hunters!


Nov 28, 2020
Kingwood, TX
Just wanted to say congratulations to all that have harvested elk this year so far. I had my first ever elk hunt, first ever western big game hunt, for Colorados 2nd rifle this year. Although we were not successful in harvesting an animal, we learned so much and enjoyed the whole process, and are already wishing it was next year so we could do it again.
It’s hard not to measure your success by the amount of meat you bring home, but how can any trip to the great outdoors not be a success. This whole process has been one gigantic learning curve. From learning about the animals, to researching gear and learning how to use it, and especially e-scouting, putting boots on the ground, and chasing these wonderful beasts called elk.
There are some things I would definitely do different, but the experience I would not change. I interacted with many people on here and other forums, on the phone, in CPW, and other good folks in CO and along the way. The hunting community truly is great and that’s one of my favorite things about being a hunter and outdoorsman. Thank you to all who helped me along the way, and once again, congratulations to everyone who has been successful in 2021, and good luck to those who have yet to hunt.
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I am planning to go to Colorado elk hunting either this fall or next...need to make that decision real soon. Can't wait to start to learning process.
Just wanted to say congratulations to all that have harvested elk this year so far. I had my first ever elk hunt, first ever western big game hunt, for Colorados 2nd rifle this year. Although we were not successful in harvesting an animal, we learned so much and enjoyed the whole process, and are already wishing it was next year so we could do it again.
It’s hard not to measure your success by the amount of meat you bring home, but how can any trip to the great outdoors not be a success. This whole process has been one gigantic learning curve. From learning about the animals, to researching gear and learning how to use it, and especially e-scouting, putting boots on the ground, and chasing these wonderful beasts called elk.
There are some things I would definitely do different, but the experience I would not change. I interacted with many people on here and other forums, on the phone, in CPW, and other good folks in CO and along the way. The hunting community truly is great and that’s one of my favorite things about being a hunter and outdoorsman. Thank you to all who helped me along the way, and once again, congratulations to everyone who has been successful in 2021, and good luck to those who have yet to hunt.
That’s what makes killing an elk so gratifying!