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Congrats Randy

Thanks, Junior. Very excited to help in any way I can. Having been on the policy and finance committees for over a year, it has been good learning a lot about the organization, in preparation for this next step.

Been a member since 1988. A life member for the last four years. A committee member as time allowed. And helped on many land exchanges in our area. Exchanges that brought thousands and thousands of acres into public reach/domain. None of those would have happened without RMEF.

Funny to see all the local green groups elbowing for a place at the podium when those deals were consumated. RMEF let them have the stage, only giving a small thanks to their membership, then moving on to the next critical issue.

The organization, like all groups, has been through a lot in its 28 years. Some good, some not so good. Right now, it is on a track that makes it easier being a new board member. Membership is growing while most the other hunting/conservation groups are going the wrong direction. Finances are in good shape and getting better each quarter, allowing a lot more mission work to be completed. Some new campaigns near and dear to my heart are going to be undertaken in the coming year.

Hope my contribution can make a small difference, in some way.
I agree Randy. Thanks for your service. Especially the times on a weekday night that keeps you away from your family. As a chapter President for Pheasants Forever, I know the dedication and time committment that is involved. As as you mention, many times others get the glory. But in the end, I think we sleep better knowing that we have made a difference, however small it may be, for the animals that we love.

Right now, we are preparing for our banquet and actively out soliciting prizes, ordering supplies, organizing, etc. It is fun, I enjoy it, but it is also time away from the wife and kids. When I read that our county had more acres enrolled in CRP programs than any other in the state due to our efforts, I take that deep breath, smile and....try to explain that the smile isn't from passing gas!
Best of luck put in the effort both on the hunt and with these organizations..full credit to you, so many just want to shoot big trophies, sit back and take the glory, without the effort behind the scenes at a club level many of these opportunities simple would never be presented to the sportsman/hunters of today.
Congrats Randy. Thanks for your contributions.

I am a rank & file member.
Congratulations, Randy. Your contributions will continue to maintain RMEF as the leading organization in acquiring and enhancing habitat for elk and other wildlife.

Thank-you for all you do!

And I am looking forward to your presentations at the convention.
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