Compound to trad


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2020
I have this on going fight with myself every year. I’m strongly considering going to traditional, I have shot compund for over 20 years and currently have 3 recurves I actually enjoy shooting. The compound just seems like work I guess. For those of you that have switched, what made you decide? Or vice versa
I guess I don’t know for sure why I love shooting the trad more? Maybe the simplicity?
Also after saying all that thinking back on this last season the deer I shot were all under 20 yds. Anyone else have these thoughts?
Bought a recurve and started shooting in 1974. Compounds came out right then and I bought a bear whitetail hunter in 76. Hunted compound since till around 2017. Was in the hunting cabinet and moved the old recurve. Couldn't believe how light it was. Started shootin it and renewed my original thrill of bowhunting. Been using it since and I love it.

My hunting shot range is about half what I would take with the compound so the challenge is increased and my body count has dropped but I won't be going back to wheels. I'm having more fun now trying to beat the game on the ground , on their terms.
I think you already answered when you said the compound feels like work.

I switched when I found myself wanting to practice with my recurve, and would pick up the compound every so often to blow the dust off it. I have yet to actually shoot a deer with the recurve, but I grab it nearly every time. If you like shooting it and embrace the challenge of it, then go for it.
Thinking back over just this last season I can recall many deer within 15 yds. I passed them up but if I had a recurve I would of at least tried and been thrilled. I shot 2 does about 10 years ago with a recurve but really knew hardly anything about trad.( not that I know much more) I also figure it will increase skill, nerve, patience and potential frustration
I'm right here. I'm all about getting close now and the shot is just a bonus. I started on recurve and really miss it. Several of my friends have dropped poundage on the compounds and I really like the idea of pulling less and getting close.
Simplicity, travelling overseas is a breeze. All goes in the backpack wrapped in sleeping bag. Use takedown arrows for travelling too.
Got one ordered from Great Plains n I’m like a kid waiting for it, even though it’s still a long way out from being built.
I don’t know if it counts as a switch. I bought my wife a compound for her birthday the year we got married because she said she missed shooting a bow like when she was a kid. I never had an interest in archery before. I quickly developed an interest, but I also immediately felt like a compound bow with a peep sight and a mechanical release was nothing more than a very cumbersome and inefficient firearm. I liked the flight of the arrow, but the apparatus seemed quite inappropriate. I made a handful of board bows and really enjoy shooting them.

Last fall was the first time I really tried bow hunting, even though I’ve shot a bow casually(in the backyard when bored) for almost ten years. Before the season opened I decided that I would shoot my FIL’s compound if I had a bead on a great buck but couldn’t get it done with a longbow as I would still consider my first archery kill to be quite the accomplishment regardless of what kind of bow I used. I actually didn’t choose a longbow out of any sense of purity or accomplishment, I just felt like it was what should shoot arrows. For me that’s completely separate from hunting. When the season opened and I actually started hunting I never felt a need yo switch to a compound. Although I technically got within a range that some consider to be in range for a compound shooter, I never felt like my problem was my bow. My problems were me. Would I have gotten the job done with a compound? Maybe. It would have been an advantage on at least three occasions. It may have resulted in my first archery kill. I don’t look back and wish I’d carried a compound. I plan to use a long bow this season as well.

Just putting the final coats on this one.

I started with a very use longbow I acquired as a kid. I've always had a trad bow kicking around. I started building them years ago. Trad bows are just more fun. Compounds are getting finicky. Tiny little screws everywhere and it seams like one piece or another is due for replacement. Yes you have to get a lot closer with a trad bow but you can also get a well placed shot off faster.
I started out with a compound in early ‘80s. Over the next decade I found it become less enjoyable. I found myself shooting a recurve which sparked my love for archery. When shooting a compound all the animals I killed were within 30 yds. So taking to the mountains with a trad bow was not a step back. It was a plus and felt so right.
I have a trade bow, just a Samick Sage cheapy. I love shooting it when my shoulder feels ok. I shoot a lot of carp with it. I've gotten a bear and a lion with it. The bear was treed, the lion was almost dead from a ground fight with my dogs.

I don't have the guts to switch for hunting ungulates. I like killing stuff too much. The day I take it elk hunting is the day a 360 inch bull will stand broadside feeding at 65 yards.
Recurve for me for years . I shoot a CD Archery WF19 n WF21 ILF risers with Nika N3 limbs . A little over 50lb pull . Boa quiver or Great Northern quivers / trad arrows . Rod Jenkins Safari Tuff tab or AAE Elite Cordovan Tabs . Nothing against wheel or lever bows .
Check your brace height and tillers ! .......
I realize this thread is older but I wanted to show off my newest build for a customer. He got almost giddy when he found out not only he could pick his woods but "Fancy" woods were on the table.

Switching from compound to trad can be fun. This guy loved shooting this bow. The way he put it is i can shoot way more places without loosing arrows AND i get a pretty bow!20230717_095546.jpg20230717_095250.jpg20230717_095233.jpg

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