Caribou Gear Tarp

Component Availability

Not sure how any of this matters so long as primers are nonexistent
They're regularly available...just astronomically prices and often out of stock within the minute.

Expect to pay $75-140 per 1k depending on the primer. Usually there is a 1-2 max per order so adding hazmat and shipping you're going to spend some $. I think there are small stores in the midwest that have them on the shelf and nobody will ever notice
I dont know, I'm might be dumb, I bit for a buy it now on a favorite auction site of 400+ Hornady 170 gr FN for $50. Guy hadn't got feedback for 8 or 9 years. I am either going to get a great deal or I just sent a MO off to la-la land for $65. It was April 1st. See what happens.
Bullets came in the mail today. As advertised. Sweet
My neighbor gave me 1000 small rifle primers. He took them from a shelf that had probably 50,000. He also has a couple 20# kegs of 4831 powder!! Components are out there just unobtainable reasonably.

Not all guys are doing it, but it would help if guys that have components for 10-100+ years would quit buying.
Can't wait for these old geezers to kick the bucket so I can obtain all that .22 ammo and reloading supplies for pennies on the dollar at a yard sale.😂😂
I told my buddy that when he passes I'm going to raid his reloading room. Another buddy has actually left all his reloading stuff to me in his will. All I have to do is outlive them. We're all in our 70's and 80's.
Got some H4831 and Hornady .277 140gr BTSP in the mail today. Second time in a month that I’ve scored these.
Caribou Gear

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