Kenetrek Boots

Component Availability

Midway has a 10% off a lot of stuff and free shipping ($50+) right now. Finally got myself a cartridge checker today so I don’t need to load live rounds anymore as part of my reloading ritual.
Got an email from the Tech Manager at Hodgdon. H4895 Not discontinued, just long supply chain issues.This is imported from ADI in Australia

Quickload and a little Google can be helpful to decifer who makes what for whom..

Bofors is in Sweden
ADi in Australia
NitroKemie is in Switzerland
Lovex in Germany.
There are other makers as well. Vectan(France), PB Clermont (Belgium), Somchem (Republic of South Africa), etc

There are some direct equivalents, there are some custom blends.
Hodgdon VARGET =ADI AR 2208
Winchester WXR = Bofors RP15
Hodgdon H1000 = ADI AR 2217
Hodgdon Retumbo = ADI AR 2225
IMR TrailBoss (discontinued) = ADI AS 25 BP

Just like a lot of our favorite Alliant products.
RL-16 = Bofors RL16 (TZ Blend)
RL-17 = Elcho 17 (Elcho seems to be owned by the same company as Nitrokemie)
RL-15 = Bofors RP11 = Raufoss RA11
AR-Comp = Bofors RP11(TZ Blend)
Alliant Reloder-22 = Raufoss RA15 = Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation
Alliant Reloder-23 =Bofors RP36 ZT
Alliant RL-26 = Custom blend for Alliant by Reloader Suiss (aka RS powders, or Nitrokemie)

All Shooter's World Powder come from Lovex in Germany
Some Accurate powders also

There are others and the list is pretty dynamic. If you find a list published from the UK, the names of the providers will look different. They are the same powders, it is just that the importing companies may have different names in the UK or be a different importers.

Midway has a 10% off a lot of stuff and free shipping ($50+) right now. Finally got myself a cartridge checker today so I don’t need to load live rounds anymore as part of my reloading ritual.
Good for you. I swear by them.
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Picked up a pound of Varget the other day from my local Murdochs, been quite some time since I've seen it on a shelf anywhere. They had maybe 3 more pounds behind the one I grabbed. Probably wasn't the cheapest powder I've ever bought, but I don't think it was horrible. Beggars can't be choosers, something like that.
Euro Optic has 6.5, 140 grain VLD Hunting bullets in stock. Have not seen those anywhere for a long time.
Made an impulse purchase while at sportsman's. They had a ton of Fiocchi small pistol primers at $0.06 a primer, couldn't pass them up. I usually read up on components reliability before buying, but at that price, caution went to the wind. Hell, if they have a few FTFs, it's good training on clearing a jam
Just realized I have less than half a pound of H4895.
Anybody have some and what do you want for it?

If you’re still looking

If you’re still looking
Gone, and I was going to pull my wallet out sooooo fast…
Gone, and I was going to pull my wallet out sooooo fast…
It's been showing up and disappearing immediately at a couple places over the last few days. I haven't been quick enough yet, but it does seem like a little bit is filtering out into the market... I'm checking ammoseek like, 5 times a day...
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