
Competition grows to auction off coveted hunting tags

There is no shame on me. I would love to help mule deer.
It’s starts with not hunting them with a statewide rut hunt. You on board @Elky Welky. Or do you want to keep your fantastic mule deer hunting.
I’m not saying there isn’t room for improvement statewide, but our LE units do produce some great deer.

Also, “fantastic” hunting is what someone wants to make of it. If antler size is your only definition of fantastic, then I think you’re missing out on so many other aspects of great hunting: landscapes, other wild encounters, etc.
Also, “fantastic” hunting is what someone wants to make of it. If antler size is your only definition of fantastic, then I think you’re missing out on so many other aspects of great hunting: landscapes, other wild encounters, etc.
None of those aspects magically change from October to November. I hope BHA gets on the side of mule deer and their future in this state.
@Elky Welky your sanctimonious BS about being the only one on here that cares about the resource is beyond ridiculous. You really do not understand your audience at all.
When did I say that I was the only one who cared? Obviously I put this out there under the belief that there are people here who do care.

But you are right, I don’t understand people like you, specifically. It’s pretty bizarre to reach out on this page full of hunting advocates and say “Hey folks, check out this opportunity to help mule deer in a positive way” and get attacked by some of them almost every time. Fortunately, I’m not in it for just you.

I enjoy hunting mule deer in Montana. It’s my home and there are some amazing places to do it and I’ve seen some amazing animals. I’m not just in it for the antlers, so for me, the hunting here is “fantastic.” But some people here are so incredibly jaded they can’t seem to step back and enjoy what we have while continuing to advocate for things to be better. It doesn’t always have to be straight to negativity. And I’ll continue to advocate my way, and I do know that there are others here who do appreciate it. I’m not really sorry if that bothers you.

With that, I’m calling it a night. I hope those who appreciate what this auction is trying to achieve do put in, and I wish you luck in the draw.
No problem! Glad you support the effort. I’d much prefer it falls in the hands of someone who can still appreciate its value.
But I do know there are others who are less pessimistic and value mule deer hunting in special places, among the list above, that would be bummed if they didn’t find out about this until after it’s over.
To those of you that wisely unwatched the MT Mule Deer Mismanagement thread,

This is just over the last two pages of this thread. There's no way you're that oblivious to how you're presenting yourself here.

What don't you understand about me, specifically? That it rubs me the wrong way to see people go out of their way busting their asses trying to improve things, and then have someone make smug swipes at them like above?
Wouldn't it beneficial to the sale of these raffle tickets if you or BHA could provide some data or even anecdotes about why hunters should want this tag? You obviously have experience in these coveted units.
@Elky Welky tell BHA they can use this site to sell all the tickets you possibly can. This forum is open for any of the non-profits and their volunteers who are working on projects or fundraising.

I appreciate that BHA took on the challenge of doing the work and making this tag a raffle opportunity, rather than an auction opportunity. It’s a lot more work to do a raffle than an auction.

Feel feee to start a separate thread about this raffle and promote it there. If folks get worked up on a thread selling tickets for a nonprofit raffle, I can clean it up.

Now, back to the OP about competition for auction tags.
Prepare for the most pathetic revenue generation of a statewide raffle mule deer permit in the history of the universe. And when that happens, maybe one or two more people will be scratching their heads. We can only hope that Darren Newsom show up and buy 50,000 tickets to help single-handedly save deer in Montana with his generous donation. I suspect he learned his lesson though?
Thanks @Big Fin! I’ll start another thread to keep drumming up support.
Wouldn't it beneficial to the sale of these raffle tickets if you or BHA could provide some data or even anecdotes about why hunters should want this tag? You obviously have experience in these coveted units.
@Randy11 I’ll answer this question there, and your other questions were already answered in my last post.
To those of you that wisely unwatched the MT Mule Deer Mismanagement thread, I just wanted to remind you that, instead of going to the highest bidder, the mule deer auction tag is being raffled instead so everyone can have a chance at it. More info here:

Curious on what fwp could use the funds for when Montana mule deer biggest issue is over harvest? I’d think 15 minutes with a computer editing regulations could fix mule deer issues way more than any raffle ever could in Montana.
Curious on what fwp could use the funds for when Montana mule deer biggest issue is over harvest? I’d think 15 minutes with a computer editing regulations could fix mule deer issues way more than any raffle ever could in Montana.
Maybe they should consider using the funds to hire someone competent in wildlife management. Your exactly right, a couple simple changes could go a long ways.
Curious on what fwp could use the funds for when Montana mule deer biggest issue is over harvest? I’d think 15 minutes with a computer editing regulations could fix mule deer issues way more than any raffle ever could in Montana.

Just off the top of my head:
1.) Wildlife crossings. This issue is ripe for expansion in MT due to federal funds coming through to help ensure migration corridors and wildlife overpasses are part of the overall conversation. In areas of high mule deer densities, this funding could be used as a state match to help enact this program.

2.) Mule deer studies: R1 is having significant issues that are far different than R3 or 4. Using studies to look at food quality, forage quantity, loss of winter range and predation effects is always helpful, as it is in other districts.

3.) Noxious weed eradication - especially cheatgrass

4.) Habitat restoration through conifer removal and woody veg regeneration. This can be done across landownership and in conjunction with groups like MDF in an effort to maximize dollars spent and create a match to increase funding by using state, private and federal habitat restoration dollars and programs.

5.) Conservation easement/Conservation Leasing/Conservation land purchases: In many instances, the difference between getting these projects done and losing the opportunity can come down to $10K here or there. Having funds aside specifically for the enhancement and preservation of mule deer habitat is a solid thing to have.

The allocation issue is being addressed already. 90% cut in antlerless permits for 23/24 along with no mule deer doe hunting in R6 & 7 for 2024/possibly 25. SB 281 from last session limits the largest growth in NR allocation - B tags - to no more than 2 if you hold a B10 or B11 and only 1 if you do not hold a combo tag.

Season structure is the other big thing, and that's an advocacy issue. I have zero doubts that MTBHA will be in that mix with their offerings both at the legislature and at the commission.
Drew the 270 permit two years ago. Didn’t see any monster deer on public but it’s a pretty great experience to slow walk the timber and see tons of deer. Dozens of bucks a day. There was value to us in knowing we were some of the very few that could legally harvest a MD buck in the unit. Worst part of the trip was the constant traffic jam on 93 at the Chief Joseph Ranch. Not sure why everyone wants to take a picture with the Dutton Ranch arch when the Chief Joseph one is way more impressive. And, you know, it’s not an imaginary place.

Raffle tickets bought.
Also on the Frenchman and surviving the winter……..


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