Scenario Facts:
1. You have $20k in cash
2. You need a car
3. You like to hunt
4. Your investments average 12% YoY
Should you:
A) Pay cash for a $20k car; or
B) Take a 3.5% loan out for that $20k car, and invest the $20k (because you'll make 8.5% difference)
This has been one that I've been playing with. I do not like loans, but really like knowing I have money in the back (investments). Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1. You have $20k in cash
2. You need a car
3. You like to hunt
4. Your investments average 12% YoY
Should you:
A) Pay cash for a $20k car; or
B) Take a 3.5% loan out for that $20k car, and invest the $20k (because you'll make 8.5% difference)
This has been one that I've been playing with. I do not like loans, but really like knowing I have money in the back (investments). Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!