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Commish meeting in Catron County .

Why are they pissed? Too many elk or not enough? Or both?
Near the end. Meetings for 2025 dates and where.

Locals are pissed over wolves and elk.
Some say too many eating all their cattle feed and cattle.
The outfitters ride both waves.

Everyone in the county benefits from hunting one way or another.

The guy asking for the meeting said he represents the county. I do not know him.
He claimed neighbor rancher lost half a dozen calves to wolves last week.

I question any cattleman who breeds for a calf drop mid winter. On the open range.

My ranch is for wildlife. I run no stock.
He claimed neighbor rancher lost half a dozen calves to wolves last week.
Exaggerations are annoying as hell when trying to share support / empathize with their concerns. Squeaky wheel gets the grease? The continuous pounding of adverse actions towards stock growers is taking its toll. NM and elsewhere.

New Mexico:
The wolf predation of livestock has been brewing since the reintroduction, taking extra fuel from the continuous bombardment of Center for B.S. and Offenders of Wildlife lawsuits. Not including 2015 expansion of wolves area, though more recent, as they throw numerous suits knowing a couple will likely stick each year:

  • 1.) 2023: The Center for B.S. and the Offenders of Wildlife pulled another lawsuit against DOI / USFWS removing the USFWS ability to restrict the population cap.
  • 2.) 2024: The Center for B.S. continued their usual pounding lawsuits against US DOI/FWS that that further restricts USFWS ability to regulatethe release and management of captured wolves.
    • Center for B.S.; “We’re glad the Fish and Wildlife Service is finally making much needed changes to the Mexican wolf recovery program but these changes clearly don’t go far enough,” - Michael Robinson, Advocate spokesperson for Center for B.S.
  • Then 2024, a Bi-Partisan effort to support stock growers with supporting compensation for loss due to wolf predation failed.

While I am not a fan of the two main culprits throwing chit injunction requests and numerous lawsuits at our judicial walls, knowing a few will stick; They are doing a darn good job representing those that pay their salaries.
Meanwhile, the stockgrowers (just as hunters) do not hold the same fervor to collectively represent their interests on a national level reflective of their opposition. Maybe the enemies of our enemy could be our friend. Wildlife conservation organizations that hold a value for State management interests, stockgrower organizations, and other potential allies merge to create a centralized organization for State regulation of predators.


/Alman Brothers have a song I tend to hum when I find myself ramble / research a bit too much time away. Though hey, it was enjoyable and self-informative. Haha!
I have never been a fan of the wolf-dog release. It has gotten out of hand. There are no pure Mexican Gray wolves alive. All come from crosses.

Never been happy to find livestock outside their leases.

FS had a plan to shoot feral cattle in the Wilderness,but it got canned quick.

One good thing to come from the meeting is funding and plans for wildlife crossings over & under hwys in NM. State hwy dept involved.
Many groups involved.

Antelope hunt reduction in NE NM was warranted. Data to show decline real.

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