Kenetrek Boots

Columbia blacktails??

Mikyla's 2007 Oregon Blacktails


Very nice guys are taking some smokers there! What part of OR are you from?
The background in those pics is pretty varied. I used to live in Gold Beach and hunted the Agness/Illinois River area for some decent bucks, also the Apllegate unit. Marv
Some are Cali. Blacktails. Some Applegate some Evans Creek. The 2 non typicals came from the Rogue Unit.

I live in Medford.

Thanks a bunch for the help fellas!!! I'll start doing some tire kicking and see what I can come up with. I'd be more than happy with about any of the bucks posted!!!

I have hunted oregon coastal range since i was twelve and grew up on kodiak island with the sitkas. the biggest tip i can give you is get out pre season and get your eyes adjusted to looking for the "grey ghosts" that is the biggest problem i have seen with new guys i have brought out is being able to pick out a piece of the deer from the brush when they are not moving. N. Cali and southern oregon are different but in thick stuff i have walked within 20 yards of bucks before i saw them and they would have stayed there if they felt i didn't notice them and let me walk right by.

"missing the NW"
Blacktails R Me. Been at it most of my 64 years. All OYO. I hunt the east slope of the Coast Range, Wahington County, Oregon. Actually Washington County is not a real great place for really big racked bucks, but there are pockets of good genetics. The best genetics are from Yamhill County south.

There is sooooooo much to know about blacktails and I am still learning. If you think you have them figured out you're just kidding yourself. But, experience helps. Habitat in the area where I hunt is really brushy. When its what you've grown used to all your life you just accept it, but new guys will think its impossible to see anything in that stuff. Its not impossible, just nearly impossible. I know there are a lot of deer I don't see, but that is just the way it is. Then, when you see that shooter, you get that reward that open-country hunters miss. I could be wrong, but guided hunts tend to be open-country hunts in Southern Oregon/Northern California. Brush hunting is all OYO...and a lot of success is dependent on weather and can't be guaranteed. As an example my season went like this in 2010:
I concentrate my effort the last week of the season. About 4 weeks into the season I went out in the rain (you gotta like the rain) for a shake-down hunt. Saw 5 deer (that's really good) including one forked-horn which I passed up...too small...I don't shoot the small ones any more. Nov. 1, rainy day. Saw 5 deer including one really nice young forked-horn. Like to see him in 2 or 3 years. Nov. 2, sunny, warm, hopeless. No deer. Nov. 3, 4, 5, sunny, warm, stayed home. End of season.

See my hunting story elsewhere on this site that I posted this evening.
The B zones in Cali is where I use to chase the ghost. B2 to be exact. Out toward the Ruth Lake area there is a lot of National Forest land. There are a lot of big bucks out toward Penny ridge and down through Red mountain. Better bring some good boots and a better pack, steep and rugged. You don't see a lot of deer but when you see a buck it is usually a good one.
Depending on if you want to bowhunt or rifle hunt I'd look at either Oregon or California as mentioned...As pointed out you can't beat either and both have some great DIY options plus Outfitters! One of my favorite late hunts is the Miller Ranch in Mendocino Co...Bowhunting only and during the rut!

Above all have fun chasing 'em...California has one of the earliest seasons for them, starting in July.


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You might want to look at Trinity Wilderness or the Yolla Bolly Wilderness. Both are in Northern California and both have very good access as well as plenty of very good bucks and a very good population of bears. The tags are over the counter and the season is very long( archery usually opens the third week of Aug. and rifle will open around the 20th of Sept and close in late Oct.) If you have any other questions please feel free to let me know.
Shot my first buck at the Globe Mine which is now part of the Trinity Alps Wilderness. We use to be able to drive to the top but those days are long gone. My Dad killed a 5x5 with eye guards and I killed a 5x4 with eye guards, they dropped about 30 yards apart. That was back in 1983.
This is great info guys, I'll be looking for a OYO Columbia Blacktail hunt soon to try and complete a deer slam.

Awesome bucks, MJ. Are they all Columbia blacktails by Boone and Crockett's boundaries? Don't really care, they're smoker bucks, just curious...
A couple "B" zone blacktails from this year.......
It is steep in there, and the opener is usually hot and dusty. A special place though.


My hunting partner's CA Columbia Blacktail from the Alps.......was the archery state record for a few years. Official P&Y panel score was 162" gross and 151 2/8" net.


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