Colt Peacemaker 22lr/mag


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
I am looking at a Colt Peacemaker 22lr to shoot 22shorts and cb's - I am pretty sure it can shoot bird shot... though any input on shooting shorts and cb's in lr or mag cylinders?
Thanks in advance...

Also, for a very good condition, what would be a fair price?
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I don't know about the shorts and cbs, but from my experience with birdshot in both a .357 and .22 pistol, you're honestly better off throwing a rock.
I would use the LR cylinder with the shorts/cb's..I shoot them outta my Ruger.

I carry a mag full of bird shot in my 9mm a lot for a snake charmer, they will take the head cleanly off at close range..but randy is right, past about 5 feet its worthless.
Appreciate the info guys.

Rosco, does shooting cb's or shorts ding up the lr cylinder any or is it the same as running the length of the barrel?

Good stuff. I was offered via a co-worker 400. Rarely shot and in pretty much great condition. seems to avg 500, though I have seen trendy prices on that site before...

Randy, I typically pop grouse with short 22... The mass priced rounds for cheap... they are great rounds for those tasty camp grouse. So, the bird shot is a waste out beyond 10 yrds?

Thanks again.
The .22 bird shot is a waste anywhere beyond the muzzle.
I shot a rattlesnake in the head at 5 feet once. It made him mad for a few seconds, then he calmed down. The next round in the cylinder was a LR hollow point, it did the trick.
400 for a Colt sound like a deal, get it.
A-con nailed it. I would let you shoot at me from 10 yards away with bird shot out of a 22 pistol.
As long as the revolver is in good shape and you clean it regularly shooting shorts shouldn't be a problem. If you don't clean very much it will build a carbon ring and make the longer cases stick upon extraction.

One thing to look at is the CB Longs, they have the same load as the shorts but in a case length closer to the LR stuff so it will gunk up less.
I have shot a few snakes with shot from .22 LRs through .45 Colt. I have not had it fail to kill the snake pretty dramatically - they often don't even wiggle, which struck me as odd. As kids, we used to shoot rats on the front porch of the cabin of my uncle's mining claim. We'd bait them with bread or crackers, sit there in the dark until we heard them rustling about, then hit them with the beam from the flashlight in our left hand and shoot them with the shotshells from our .22 revolvers in our right hand. On both snakes and rats, 10-12 feet seemed about max. These were the old-style crimped shotshells, not the newer CCI ones with the shot capsule. The crimped style .22 LR shells, still available from Winchester and Federal, seem to work best.

As a teenager, I ran the "Mo-Skeet-O" range at the Boy Scout camp. The guns were single shot, smoothbore .22s by Remington and the targets were mini-clay pigeons, about 2-inch diameter, thrown from table throwers. Along with some of my friends, we were often able to run 25 to 35 straight fairly often. The most fun, though, was shooting bats at dusk. From those rimfire shotguns, the shells patterned pretty good!

In centerfire rounds, I use the CCI shot capsules and I load them with #12 shot. The smaller shot makes for a denser pattern than the #9 shot used in most factory shotshells - and since I am limiting the range to feet and not yards, there is plenty of energy to stop snakes.
Thought I would keep this in the same thread...

There is a taurus judge 5"...
The .410's - side, I take it, this would work pretty good for grouse bird shot (base mtn survival tool) as well as home defense and good stopper for griz... .45 or buckshot .410?

These run 400-500 on gun broker... seems a more practical use of 400 for this than a colt peacemaker...?

edit: just saw Calif Hunter's post - thanks for the info (I take it that is with the sleeves in the .45 cylinder for .22lr? or a typo for the .22 colt?). Off topic, is there any truth that the judge is considered a darn shotgun (California), thus the barrel length does not meet the legal requirements? Someone mentioned that and I started laughing my arse off... though he said he is serious... ?
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Sytes, You can buy a Ruger for about 60% of what you pay for the Colt and it's essentially the same gun. Why ruin a classic Colt when you can ruin a classic Ruger?
Sytes, You can buy a Ruger for about 60% of what you pay for the Colt and it's essentially the same gun. Why ruin a classic Colt when you can ruin a classic Ruger?

What about shooting shorts or shot through a revolver would ruin it?

At 10-15 feet my Ruger 22 revolver would get five or six pellets in a pop can, I don't consider that usable accuracy and grouping.
Sytes - Sorry for the late reply. No, I reload for .38/.357, .44 and .45 Colt with the Speer shot capsules and #12 shot for snakes. I don't use the sleeves to shoot .22s.

Yes, the Judge is illegal in CA. No surprise there. :(
Sytes - Sorry for the late reply. No, I reload for .38/.357, .44 and .45 Colt with the Speer shot capsules and #12 shot for snakes. I don't use the sleeves to shoot .22s.

Yes, the Judge is illegal in CA. No surprise there. :(

Appreciate the input.
I passed on the colt .22 and purchased the Judge .410/.45
The price point and griz defense / home protection / grouse pounder were the factors in the decision. The con side... weight/bulk.
Appreciate the input.
I passed on the colt .22 and purchased the Judge .410/.45
The price point and griz defense / home protection / grouse pounder were the factors in the decision. The con side... weight/bulk.

How are you going to pack it? Inquiring minds want to know, as yes, they are heavy and bulky. Also, how far and often do you intend on packing it?
How are you going to pack it? Inquiring minds want to know, as yes, they are heavy and bulky. Also, how far and often do you intend on packing it?

I picked up this SERPA holster as it has the screw holes for attachment for my thigh setup (Tactical lvl 3) and has a clip for belt carry along with the paddle back that keeps the gun from digging. The thigh ability allows me to carry my multi day pack without issue of the hip straps and the blackhawk serpa aspect fit extremely well. To compare the thigh ability vs say a shoulder setup... with backpack type loads... well, the thigh holster is fantastic. The con - if I was to pull one - it would be strap around the leg... though to me not near as annoying as the shoulder harness.

I bought a simple nylon holster to fit for the 3 inch barrel as well. Mother in law is a sewing guru - hoping she can cross stitch some attachment onto my hipbelt of the backpack... meh if I can wear it without the thigh holster - it is worth the try.
I picked up this SERPA holster as it has the screw holes for attachment for my thigh setup (Tactical lvl 3) and has a clip for belt carry along with the paddle back that keeps the gun from digging. The thigh ability allows me to carry my multi day pack without issue of the hip straps and the blackhawk serpa aspect fit extremely well. To compare the thigh ability vs say a shoulder setup... with backpack type loads... well, the thigh holster is fantastic. The con - if I was to pull one - it would be strap around the leg... though to me not near as annoying as the shoulder harness.

I bought a simple nylon holster to fit for the 3 inch barrel as well. Mother in law is a sewing guru - hoping she can cross stitch some attachment onto my hipbelt of the backpack... meh if I can wear it without the thigh holster - it is worth the try.

Thanks for the input. I went with a nylon holster and as/is do not really like for the judge or the .357 4-inch. Shoulder set-up okay if you aren't carrying pack? Think MIL should be able to stictch you up something, let us know how that works.
Thanks for the input. I went with a nylon holster and as/is do not really like for the judge or the .357 4-inch. Shoulder set-up okay if you aren't carrying pack? Think MIL should be able to stictch you up something, let us know how that works.

Np. A friend pointed out - my leg holster may cause issues as we (hunters in general) tend to cross some steep hills and as much as I wish I did not slip... I often do. This has the obvious issues. I tried the leg holster since purchasing the gun and it worked great though that event - really did not cross any side hillls.

Hoping to find a means to position a holster where that weight does not bounce around.

Would like to see if it will fit the loop holster affixed in the new badlands packs. Not discounting the great warranty - that loop holster on the inside of the hip belt is a fantastic addition!