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Colorado's proposed Shed hunting Licensing and Season laws Grrrrrr

Only Squirrel bails out right at the edge and laughs as Louise goes over the edge, on his way back to the road picks up a 400" matched set. Much better ending.
Last time I checked (watched) putting one of these on is a bit different than putting one on my golden retriever, in fact it is a bit of a "blood sport" in it's own right.



About two weeks ago they jumped a big 3pt ran him several miles from 60-80' above making no attempt at a shot. They lost him on a ranch (who has mentioned shooting helicopters in casual conversation after his stock got panicked and broke out of corrals during one aerial trespass.) They seem to no longer haze his place for some reason.

They went and chased a few miles away and swung back after he left private and ran him for another few miles in the midst of which he tried to jump a twelve foot wide straight down gully and crashed chest first into the rim of frozen dirt on the far side doing several somersaults to the bottom, picked himself up and crawled/limped out and off into the private ranch property

Go tell that particular buck how some guy on foot is the real threat to his living through the winter.

I'm not against the studies, just the gov't doublespeak.
I still don't agree with the season CPW has created, as I think they could have regulated the shed hunting on a case by case basis of needing to protect the game when the actual conditions warranted it. Where I live, Winter kill and even super deep snow is not the norm. We more often have barren ground on a lot of the South slopes much of the time. I would have rather just had the critical areas closed down.
The only benefit I see in having a Statewide shed season, is to prevent the commercial hunters from concentrating their efforts on areas that might otherwise not be closed. With a season in place no one can be out shed hunting.
Bet it's only a matter of time when a license and fee will be implemented.
I picture Squirrel and I in the old Subaru on a desperate road trip for an antler fix to Arizona this spring. Strange times the CPW has forced us into!


Yeah I bet squirel is just dieing to hang with you...

Some day you will find a negative lil troll just like you and then you will have a friend...

2 dinkshootin internet wardens with super cool signature lines. Oh the fun.

All for banning shed hunting last year??

Im all for restricting access, I'm not ok with having to purchase a permit for those of us who already have hunting and fishing licenses. I think the bigger issue is, how in the hell is Parks and Wildlife low on funds with the enormous amount of tags they sell every year? What in the world are they doing with all that money? I'm not certain, but I have to imagine that Colorado has to be one of the top revenue earning states in the West when it comes to tag and license sales.


There must be some SERIOUS wasting going on. It really ticks me off.
The outlay is incredible and the return on investment is so very arguable...

Case in point the boat inspector thing...

Or the incredible # of helos and fixed wing they chase the animals with for months on end, those things do not come cheaply. Lots of the cutting edge studies could be justified but some are just resume enhancement for the chief rabbit cop in charge of it.

"We need to find out what kills bucks" (at the meeting) My response high velocity chunks of lead, duh... A million or so dollars later 43% lead poisoning... whodathunkit?

Yeah I bet squirel is just dieing to hang with you...

Some day you will find a negative lil troll just like you and then you will have a friend...

2 dinkshootin internet wardens with super cool signature lines. Oh the fun.

All for banning shed hunting last year??


I think he has a little friend, not negative or a troll though...
Yesterday, a low flying helicopter was flying around our ranch in a typical manner CPW does when they do their game census. I thought to myself, they're a tad early this year, and we don't even have snow to make that task more effective. However, they didn't canvas the area thoroughly and quit. So, now I'm thinking they'll be back a 2nd time or more?? So much for stressing the Elk....
If they pass this license and season law for sheds, I look for CPW to employ a tactic already in use in other types of game enforcement. Meaning, perhaps they'll plant a dandy Elk antler along a forest road, hunker down, and see if someone comes along and picks it up contrary to the license and season laws. I am pretty angry about this proposal, and wonder if picking up an arrowhead, a pretty rock, or a Pinon nut will be far behind?

Picking up any artifact on publiuc land is already illegal.
I'd prefer a total ban on shed hunting until July 1st in Colorado, plus a license fee equal to an elk tag both equivalent to the same tag fee for resident & non-resident. That will keep the non-residents out of CO to shed hunt!!
Shed hunters/hunting is not the problem

It's hikers, bikers, fat tire snow bikers, 24 hour randonee competitioners, Backcountry skiers, cross country skiers, trail runners etc

But no way that legislation ever passes
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