"Colorado's first gentleman pursues new wolf-related laws, according to emails"

Governor’s office (mostly Marlon, I would suspect) watches CPW and the commission very closely. You’d be very foolish to think they have any independence or autonomy from the Governor’s office. With the Dems in control of every single lever of political power, including a supermajority in the general assembly, there are zero checks and balances in Colorado state government.
Seems like a bigger issue here is the CPW director, a governor appointee, dodging questions about Reis’ involvement in pushing niche advocacy agenda via legislation and CPW policy.
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Davis is really starting to look like just a pawn for the governor...
Absolutely. He is accountable to the Gov at the end of the day, not anyone else. That was clear when the wolf reintroduction photo op/campaign ad with Polis and Reis and no notification to affected legislature members, county commissioners, or CPW commissioners.

I am honestly surprised Marlon hasn’t pressed his anti-hunting, animals rights agenda even more.
The second director davis was announced as the replacement to prenzlow i became very concerned.

The polis administration has been the penultimate beginning to the end of a long history of largely very good wildlife management in this state, at least from my younger perspective.

But, polis and our legislature are simply a mere reflection of what the resident makeup of this state has become, and it's very unfortunate.

I watch the many threads on here about the wildlife issues in montana and the political heavyweights doing the exact same thing up there, just a different flavor of the same thing. It is a different extreme but a similar issue with wildlife being politically managed to benefit the interests in charge. It is simply the other side of the same coin. Yet, I think i'd take those issues up in montana 9 times out of 10 compared to what is happening down there.

The sky isn't exactly falling, but the future of wildlife management in colorado is not bright for sportsmen and women.

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