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Colorado vs Montana?

Poke 'Em

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2013
I have an interview on Friday to fill my boss' position in Denver. There is a strong possibility that I will get an offer. It would be a great opportunity, but I'm really torn about leaving Montana. I love being able to get out in the country within 30 minutes of town. I can go shoot my bow 8 miles from my house, and I can easily go scouting or bowhunting after work. I'm afraid if I move to the Denver area, I'll have to give that up. The job would be downtown, so finding somewhere that I can live close enough to have a decent commute makes me feel like I'll have a hard time living anything close to the lifestyle I live now. I'm afraid of turning into a weekend warrior, or having to make a 3 hour drive just to find places I can get away and be to myself.

Am I overreacting to the fear of a big city? If I get the offer and take it, am I going to regret leaving Montana? It would hopefully be temporary (<3 years), but you never know.
I live in Billings but spend a lot of time in Sidney for work. Definitely a huge change looking at Denver, but you could always live north of town 30 miles or so to get away from all that. You will be very close to amazing mountains...but with 1000 times more people around. I would probably do it...I could live anywhere for 3 years if I knew it wasn't permanent. And one bonus...you'll have way more breweries to choose from than just meadowlark (although I do love meadowlark beer!).
I wouldn't do it. Denver for a crawling with people. It would be really hard to live the lifestyle you are living now unless you live about 30 miles away from downtown. I'm a Colorado native and I hate to see what is going on along the front range. So, unless they are doubling your salary (cost of living in Denver is high), I wouldn't do it.
I understand your concern. (I grew up in Sidney and moved to Vegas for work 20+ yrs ago). Your focusing on the negatives, which really aren't that bad (Colorado is not exactly lacking in the outdoor opportunities). I'm sure the money will be better and living in an area with population does have its advantages, convenience / availability of goods & services, things to do in general, travel (major airport), and bigger cities have neighborhoods away from the hustle. It's like any opportunity, you can always go back but the opportunity won't always be there.
No way.....Denver is insane. Unless the dinero is super solid, I would not even consider fighting all that traffic. We live in Billings and moved here from Lubbock, TX which is 3x the size of Billings and loathe the shit out of driving home just because Denver traffic....starting in FoCo all the way until the Springs.
Denver isn't to bad of a city in itself but after living in Fort Collins for the past year I will say that it is a place I would not care to live. There is more traffic in, out, and around that city than I have ever seen and I get up next to Memphis. It surely not as bad as NYC but it's almost an 1hr commute to the other side of town during the day. However there are some really good guys on here that live down that way and seem to be happy with it.
I left Montana and regret it very much. Best place I've ever been. If I get the chance I'm going back and never leaving. I guess you have to think is money or a job worth giving up your lifestyle, some don't mind but it kills me. Good luck either way tho, it's kind of a win win situation
I was out of Montana for 12 years. I'm never leaving again. For me, what I left behind here, is more imporant to me than money. mtmuley
Can you make AND SAVE enough cash working in Colorado for three years to significantly improve your situation when you move back to Montana? Maybe pay off debt? Buy better house or property? Work less once back in Montana due to less debt? Etc...

If the answer is yes to some of these questions I'd move in a heartbeat. Three years goes quickly and it's not like Colorado lacks in outdoor opportunities. If moving away won't net you any gains, stay where you are.
My .02 cents as someone who commutes to downtown Denver.

- Housing will be much more expensive.
- Denver is the 16th largest metro area in the U.S. It's not LA.
- Winters will be much nicer. You'll have skiing close by.
- Probably will not be able to go hunting after work.
- I have a trailhead less than a mile from my house, but there can be lots of people.
- Commuting to work is a bummer.
- Living in a city has its pluses and minuses. You'll have to do your own math.
I've never spent any time in Denver, but you may like Montana for the things Denver could never offer. I work with 2 people who left Denver for Montana and they are happy with their decisions.

Denver Metro Area population : 2,900,000

State of Montana population : 1,000,330

Cities turn people into herd animals IMO, but then again, Denver has a lot of features that don't exist anywhere in MT.
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What it comes down to is: do you want to live in a big city/metro area?

I live north of Denver and I only go into the fray when I have a good reason to.
I just moved from Montana to Denver... I grew up in CO on the western slope. We only moved because my wife is doing medical school, as soon as she is a MD we are out of here. Realistically it's impossible to hunt during the week, at the very the least living anywhere in the metro area you are going to be 60-90 min to anywhere you can legally discharge a weapon at game, everything close is county owned open space and off limits to hunting and traffic after work and on the weekends has gotten insane. The spot I used to hunt in high school took my buddies 2hrs 30min to get to on a friday night from Denver I now average 5 hours. You will have to go to a range to shoot your bow I have looked around lots and on average be prepared to spend 30 min each way in the car sitting in traffic, spending $10 a pop, and shooting with a crowd. You can set up a target in the national forest for free but getting to a suitable spot at 5pm will take you over an hour one way. Also CO State lands are not public lands so forget any idea of recreating east of Denver.

Also be realistic on how much your new position is going to be paying you the housing in Denver is a joke, 160K might get you a one bedroom apt, any kinda house in a neighborhood within 25 min of downtown will run 450-500k. My brothernlaw sold their 2000 sqft. house for 650k and there were 30 reported shooting on his street in the last 6 months, it was so bad the cops were going door to door and warning residents about precautions they should be taking. The basic going rate in aurora, the cheapest place in the metro to live, for rent on a 1 bed 1 bath is $1300. If you look at cost of living calculators Denver is about twice as expensive as rural Montana so if you are making 50K it would be absurd to make the move for less than 120K-130K even at that high a salary your quality of life wont be the same. I work downtown, live in aurora and we just bought the cheapest apt we could find to save money, so we can save for my wife's school... 138k 1bed, 1 bath, 700sqft. 50 min from work and it took us 2 months to find and I think we got it for a steal compared to what's out there.

Obviously, I'm making generalizations and I'm sure someone is going to say oh that's not true I can get out in 25 min and oh well I got a house with a yard for 300k, but I would be highly skeptical of those claims, and laugh in their face and say when 2012-13 right after the market crashed as the housing prices were just starting to come back.

As someone who is counting the days till I can get back to Montana, all I can say is think long and hard cause you might be getting paid more but I can guarantee you will be looking out that window every day trying to figure out a way to get back to Montana, even for half the pay.

wow, there it is.

I've always considered moving to Denver just to be out west but I can barely stand the population of Scranton, PA(75k) and only go in town when I absolutely need to, work most likely.

The other thing that turned me off to Denver was the cost of living, I started researching and was blown away by the prices just to rent! Forget that...
wow, there it is.

I've always considered moving to Denver just to be out west but I can barely stand the population of Scranton, PA(75k) and only go in town when I absolutely need to, work most likely.

The other thing that turned me off to Denver was the cost of living, I started researching and was blown away by the prices just to rent! Forget that...

My wife and I are talking residency locations right now... Denver isn't even on the list, Pittsburgh is... if that tells you how we feel about Denver
Caribou Gear

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