Well after many years of patiently waiting for a chance to chase Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep it still didn't happen for me lol. But......it did for my wife! She drew a first season rifle tag for Pikes peak 1 of 1 . She is an avid hunter and is very excited about the opportunity (and yes she knows how lucky she is). I guess it kind of offsets her being married to a guy who hasn't won a single thing that I didn't have to pay for in blood sweat and tears in my whole life. Ready for the kicker? My wife is pregnant and will be giving birth to our 4th child 9 weeks before the season! Sounds imposable right? I have 0% doubt that this woman will get er done in style and probably kill a more beautiful ram than me because that has been been the resounding trend so far in our life together.
So with all that being said we have a lot of work to do in the coming months as far as burning boot leather scouting, talking to area biologists, getting familiar with the area and preparing for the season. Just looking for any info from people who may have hunted the unit and or the season we are getting ready for.
Also if there are any nice spots along the trail to pull off and pump breast milk along the way....
So with all that being said we have a lot of work to do in the coming months as far as burning boot leather scouting, talking to area biologists, getting familiar with the area and preparing for the season. Just looking for any info from people who may have hunted the unit and or the season we are getting ready for.
Also if there are any nice spots along the trail to pull off and pump breast milk along the way....