Colorado setup help


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
Hi all, my son has a muzzleloader cow hunt in CO 66 this September and we are new to muzzle loading. We are way behind where I’d hoped to be in our preparations and practice. At this point I have a couple jugs of bh 209 but little else haha.
I’d like to be able to put a scope on it for use in other states but primary interest is on Colorado for this fall.
Thinking about finding a CVA optima and replacement breech plug for 209 primers. Conical(?) 50 cal bullets.

Where to find cvas in stock and what barrel length and other specifics are recommended?
Thanks all.
Any barrel length on a .50 or .54 caliber. Theres a lot of good bullets out there. Mine likes powerbelts, but try a few and see what groups we'll for you. There's really not a lot to it. Use whatever powder and primer, find a bullet it likes, practice a lot,, go kill something
Biggest thing is simply spending some time (a lot) sending all different bullets and loads down range. It can take a while to find a combination that your particular rifle will like. Might be worthwhile mounting the scope to find a good load, but make sure you get plenty of time using a peep sight. That would be my second piece of advice, get a good peep sight if you’re muzzleloader hunting in Colorado. Have fun!!
Not sure if they make any that aren't tapped for sights. I have one I bought in Colorado and it has scope mount holes
The factory sites on our Optima V2 were garbage; constantly shifting position. After the first season, we replaced with a fiber optic peep site and not only does it hold position, we shoot it much more accurately than with the post and notch style.

Installed the 209 breech.

Using Thor bullets.
Practice shooting your gun clean and dirty. Also practice reloading and taking a quick follow up shot. I like to fire a couple primers off before I load it with powder that way it blows out anything left in the barrel.
I've never seen an Optima barrel that wasn't drilled and tapped for open sights. They sell the guns with open sights or a scope mount. The barrels are all the same.
If this is an option I'd borrow a ML already set up for Colorado hunting, if you know someone who has one.
I'll sell my Optima VI set up for CO hunting, w powder, primers, bullets, loaders, the full setup. PM if you like.
Convinced myself I want a v2 and a nitride at that. But my tune may change while waiting on back order, will let you know. Thanks.
The factory sites on our Optima V2 were garbage; constantly shifting position. After the first season, we replaced with a fiber optic peep site and not only does it hold position, we shoot it much more accurately than with the post and notch style.

Installed the 209 breech.

Using Thor bullets.
What sights do you recommend? Thx
ASG in Phoenix makes a nice muzzleloader. Highly recommended. 100yd groups just shot a couple days ago, 225yd groups yesterday on a deer silhouette at about 3". Headed to Nevada and Colorado in a few weeks.


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