Colorado opening day....


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2005
Western CO

Well after all the hunting ended this last year, OSOK and I decided that we needed something to do this spring. About the only thing to do here in Colorado is chase the stupid turkeys. So we figured that we should get together and do just that. I mean those stupid birds can't be any harder to hunt than those wiley big game animals right???

The preseason scouting went well with several hundred turkeys roaming around on the public land we were going to hunt. With that many turkeys running around its sure to be a slam dunk, right?? That's exactly what we were thinking.

So a few months progress and we're getting pumped for the April 8th opener.... bought all our turkey hunting gear, tags etc. and we're ready to rock!! It was sure to be a slaughter.....

Well everyone rolled in to to meet around 9pm the night before season opened and we drove to our faithful turkey spot, set up camp and set down for a few beers. The night slowly progressed as everyone talked in anticipation of the upcoming slaughter. Surely all 5 of us would be packing out birds the next day....



Later that evening a good friend of ours, Jose showed up at the camp. Boy, ol' Jose sure is a lot of fun. He got the whole camp going...swearing, laughing, even a few camp games. A few wresting matches, a staggering competition, roast the soles off your shoes, pin the cactus on the dumbass... What a great time, Ol' Jose was sure a lot of fun.



Well as dawn drew near we all awoke to find that our friend Jose had left, but we all could feel his ugly presence there with us all. That nasty little dude had left us all with a little flu bug he brought across from south of the border before he parted....

...... continued

.... Twilight found us walking down the road all carrying the remnants of that mexican flu bug. Its amazing how much your head pounds with that type of Flu, definitely not a bug that I would recommend catching. We cut arcoss deep canyons, up rocky hills, through nasty tangles of brush, only to find the hundred of birds that were once there were no longer to be found. There was very little sign most of it being old...

The few birds that were left in the area were running this way and that, flying across the canyons that we had just crossed and very little activity at all. How dissapointing it was!

We tried to call them, we tried to stalk them, every means that we could to get one of those birds. I guess that after all we're just not that good of turkey hunters, or maybe those stupid little birds are just smarter than we thought.

After a day of tromping around everywhere we decided to return to camp. On the road back to the camp we met the local game warden who was nice enough to give a few of us a ride back to the camp... although a few of us were to slow to meet up with her and ended up having to walk all the way back. The friendly warden proceeded to tell us that there were very few birds in the area this time of year and most move up to higher elevations and on to private ground. Who would have thought???

As we were sitting in camp that evening we happen to notice that back in the trees.... something was watching us. Armed to the max we proceeded to the edge of camp to see what was watching us and low and behold, it was that nasty little sucker Jose. We grabbed that little guy, tossed him in the fire and burnt him at the stake for his witchcraft.



Ol' Jose got what he had coming!!!

The next morning we awoke and headed to the woods, only to find that it was to hold similar results to the previous day. 7 am rolled around and in dissapointment with the way things were going, decided to pack up camp head to town and get some breakfast. I guess that in the end we're just not cracked up to be turkey hunters after all, being that we all left empty handed that is.....:(
..... well empty handed meaning that 4 of us left with out tags for the remainder of the season....:D




And another one bites the dust....

... okay maybe two...:D

First picture is of my buddy Shamus and his boy with a bird his co-worker shot last night. We took his boy along with us to experience the hunt. The bird came to with in 6 ft of Shamus, the boy and I which left Tom with out a shot being the bird was right on top of us. The bird saw us and spooked and ran back in front of Tom where he proceeded to full pattern the gobbler in full stride...

Take a kid hunting...:cool: Had to post the picture with the kid in it!! Crappy picture but oh well, he thought it was cool to be there...

The next one is the bird I called this morning for my buddy Billy.... Was a little too small for my likings so I let Billy have at em. Billy didn't want me to post his picture so you get to see my ugly mug...LOL


Hopefully here soon I'll be posting pic.'s of the big bird I'm after.....hump :D

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