Colorado Online Raffle Sales!

Hmmmmmmmm, what to do with that New Mexico sheep refund…………………?:D

Maybe not the best NR odds but at least there are exact tags numbers to apply for. No nasty outfitter set aside % either:rolleyes:. Deadline coming up! See pages 7-10.

Or you may choose to help us try and get more huntable sheep populations and tags…….

Online sales will end on April 7th; the drawing will be on April 12th at our banquet.

Thanks for all the support with the online sales, every time you make a purchase online it keeps me from having to stuff the kid in a box and do the behind the scene work associated with mail in orders;)

Cutest kid ever Dink! Compliments to R.

I'm hoping for something better than 1st runner up in the sheep raffle this year.
Are online sales really over? I just went to the link and it looked like I could still buy?

Was thinking of buying some more goat tickets instead of spending money on the silver state tags in Nevada.
So I'm guessing I would have received a call by now if I was one of the lucky winners? ;)

Yep. I'm waiting for a return call from one winner before posting the names. I can tell you that all the tag winners are from Colorado and both optics winners are non-residents (MT and MN). A couple of years ago all the tag winners were non-residents.
Bastards! Oh yeah, great job guys! ;)

I had a line of 4-7 year old kids drawing winners, to keep the lynch mob at bay. ;) Can you believe that the little girl who drew the pronghorn winner drew the same name for both the winner and the alternate?
And the winners are:

Optics - Farley Hicks, Montana
Optics - Brian Peterson, Minnesota
Weaver 7mm-08 - Jim Gonzales, Colorado
Pronghorn - Tim Rushing, Colorado (aka, Bighorn191 on Hunttalk)
Mountain Goat - Ryan Goodenow, Colorado
Bighorn Sheep - Kirk Gustafson, Colorado

Congrats to the winners, and a big thank you to everyone who purchased tickets this year!
Hey, when it's meant to be, I don't mess around...

Seriously, thanks to Oak and Dinkshooter for their dedication to the RMBS - they are a bunch of hard working guys and have done a superb job to further the mission of the RMBS. Thanks guys.