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Colorado Muzzy Season

I was lucky, and grew up hunting with my dad and brother. My dad was a still hunter, and that's what he taught us. Glad he did. I've never wanted to hunt another way, and i'm glad I learned to do it at a young age.
Hey ES that could have been me!
Looks like my Pearson my uncle gave me to learn on. 65lb and it took a while to be able to pull it back...took 2 deer with it.
But I'm a youngster,hah, born in 55'
Go hunt as best you can Cush.....I only get 5 days to hunt.
If you've been in Colo long and watched the politics of season dates, etc you quickly find out that the CBA (Colo Bowhunters Assoc) has quite a bit of clout at the state level! The muzzy guys don't have squat. In defense of the muzzy season....take a look at the hunting stats for the number of bow vs muzzy hunters in OTC units. It's pretty easy to see that there are only a fraction of muzzy vs archery muzzy hunters....and the archery hunter numbers are scattered out through a relatively long hunting season.

The complaints I've heard from bowhunters is it is a little nerve-wracking being in the field at the same time as muzzy hunters when bowhunters are decked out in camo (muzzy guys must wear orange).

There are already archery, muzzy, and 4 rifle seasons in quite a few units so theire isn't a whole lot of room for additional seasons that don't overlap. I can guarantee the CBA will shoot down anything that would shorten archery season dates!
I'd be willing to shorten our archery season by that 9 days to give the muzzy hunters their time in the woods without us in there too. They'd still have relatively unmolested animals and time in the rut. If the CBA can't see what makes sense, then they don't need my money when it comes time to renew my membership.
You could always ask and see what the CBA say...but I have a feeling I already know the answer!
I'd be willing to shorten our archery season by that 9 days to give the muzzy hunters their time in the woods without us in there too. They'd still have relatively unmolested animals and time in the rut. If the CBA can't see what makes sense, then they don't need my money when it comes time to renew my membership.

If you are scared of the boogie man and the "potential" for muzzy hunter interactions during the 3rd weekend of Septemeber may I suggest you get more than a mile off the beaten path or just stay home that week. Let the rest of the adults roam the hills accordingly. Thanks in advance.
I'm still not convince some people in this thread have been within a 1/4 mile of a wapiti except for the Denver zoo.
Awesome Cushman is willing to shorten "our season" . wtf

I mentioned shortening the season as an know, to open up a discussion about options and get things on the table...a discussion...that thing people do when ideas are exchanged back and forth and not someone just coming on every couple days with a smart assed comment... Do you have an idea or solution, Dink?
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If you are scared of the boogie man and the "potential" for muzzy hunter interactions during the 3rd weekend of Septemeber may I suggest you get more than a mile off the beaten path or just stay home that week. Let the rest of the adults roam the hills accordingly. Thanks in advance.

You know what, Dink? We have joked and given each other shit a lot over the past couple of years, but this is pretty insulting. I have been hunting where I've been hunting a lot in part due to my physical and mobility issues, which are well known by now and how I got them, in an area that I can get in plenty far back without damned near killing myself or hurting myself. So, I do get 'more than a mile off the beaten path' and I come out and check cameras during muzzy season to see what's about since I have 6 out on known escape routes and if something looks hopeful I'll hunt it. So, I'm sorry my hunting prowess doesn't live up to your almighty god like stature, but you know what, dude? One day I'll get my bull and every bit of pain, both physical and mental I went through to get it will be worth it. So, I guess I have to find a new spot now that isn't going to hurt me too bad...I guess shit just happens
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As I sit here and drink more coffee and take happy pills, I really am getting a kick out of this. Yes, I started shit talking muzzy hunters, but no one seems to grasp the part where I tried to open up a discourse and talk about issues and options. Also, for the reading impaired...I stated more than a few times, that this issue I speak of has been MY issue in MY hunting area. Apparently people missed that part too. If other archers don't have an issue with muzzy hunters overlapping, then cool...let's leave it as is. I was trying to bring a discussion to the board that I've had with several people in person and gotten just as passionate of responses on both sides of the table. But at the same time, muzzy hunters are just as passionate and should be heard too. I posed shortening the season on the CBA forum on FB last night and about got crucified, but it ended up being a good discussion overall and I got some answers. So, if people are happy with the status quo, then leave it be...I thought we could have an adult discussion...sorry And BTW, I muzzy and rifle and shotgun hunt too, I just choose to hunt elk with a bow...a personal challenge to me (I have shot a cow with my rifle)
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My 2 cents. The CO archery season should last until Dec 1. Period. This one month of bow hunting is bullsznit. I am interested in the next 5 year plan Probably posted but CDOW makes me ill.

I believe MT has something similar and bow-hunting midwest and out east is like this, yes? NR guys are the money train and have it easy...all set up...step 1. apply & hunt antelope out here, then an elk, deer maybe too, then go home and bow hunt for 4 more months?

And I suppose mr. resident can do the same, and do has Randy has proposed = hunt different states, apply apply apply to keep hunting, but that is garbage tactic. If you want to start a discussion and have an issue (impaired), might I suggest you asking for, or about a longer handicapped season??? Can do any method of take right? Also, suggest not peeing on any method of take and style - you should know better than that?
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Pride gets in the way of me getting the impaired license. Let someone in a wheelchair or that can't walk at all have those tags. It's hard enough having my injuries and to live with them everyday, but to me, it's a sense of pride and accomplishment to do it on a regular tag with my bow without having a piece of paper screaming YOU'RE HANDICAPPED!!!!! I won't even get my blue parking tag for the same reason. I also do hunt in other states as well, Wyoming for antelope just about every year, Arkansas this year, and I was supposed to go to Minnesota and back home to NY until my 4 wheel drive took a dump this fall right before I was supposed to leave and that ate most of my travel money and I've been talking to a couple of guys about going to Montana for elk and deer. :D And I also apologized repeatedly for starting crap in my posts...I came off rather douchey at first.
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Well hell, I'm a DB...:D I was just talking about my little honey hole that got overrun (a good chunk of unit 70). I wasted 4 points on a draw hunt a couple of years ago and it was exactly that, a waste. None of us in the group saw a bull (except on the way in to town in a rancher's field) and between 4 of us we saw 2 cows and a couple calves and some deer (the other 3 guys weren't mobility dicked up like me and one guy bivied out overnight a couple times)...but we did see 2 moose. Enjoy your muzzy hunts if that's what gets you off and when you post your success pics and stories on here I will be the first to congratulate you. Like I said, I muzzy hunt other states and muzzy hunt CO for antelope...I enjoy doing it for elk with a stick and string and want my first bull to be with my bow(when I become CSEH I will have earned it the hard way, not just sitting back and pulling a trigger on a rifle :hump:) So, I will work on finding a new place, that's all... kum bye ah

Is it the muzzy hunters or the trumpet players???
John..........Don't be bothered by dink. He's just the forum troll, and it's unlikely he's even shot a dink. Although it is a good name for him.
I only know what i've seen lately. He's just trolling.

I'll treat someone like they treat others. He's way too quick to judge and insult.

I'm a mod on another forum, and he wouldn't last on that forum.
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