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Colorado mule deer best unit 9 Resident points?

I wouldn’t use 9 points on a unit 30 tag. A few years ago it took 6 pts to have a chance to draw 3rd season, last year it was 100% with 5 pts.
Does Go Hunt account for point creep in their draw odds?
Nope, all the odds are what it took to draw the previous year. They do have draw trends where you can see how much the unit has been creeping in the last few years, but no predictions for the coming year.

It would be virtually impossible to forecast what points units will take the next two years in CO. Every podcast and tag service out there is talking about how there will be no quality deer left after the next two years. Everybody and their dog with points will be putting in.
Good Mornining all.
Wow! what olbow87 said:
Makes absolute total sense. We do not know what will happen after the next 2 or 3 yrs with the Colorado mature buck herd! I have written a couple threads pertaining to some of this.
Its in my frame of mind what I have been trying to say here. In a couple words you hit it on the head.
In the next couple season especially in 2021 your going to see 3rd season hunters drawing what used to be 4th season limited hunts. Everyone is looking at the prime hunts, If your a hunter I guess you'd be stupid not to be looking for a prime Buck Unit to hunt.
It was a total shocker to myself and hunting partners whom have been doing hunts since high school some 52 years. We have never been more excited. Even with no points for this season have elected to save a point for 2021 and will draw our unit and have a hell of a chance on killing trophy class bucks.
But how sad is all this knowing that these Bucks, Big Bucks Tolls are going to be taken to the cleaners as they will be in the Rut most likely, be down out of the high Country, or transitioning down.
If any one does not think this is going to take a toll on this big buck herd is just not thinking.
In one of the articles I even hear one person indicate it doesn't matter how many tags that are given out as long as it keeps the population in check.
Here is my theory on that one. We seen this in Oregon and yes I'm an out of state hunter who has seen the Best go because the fish and wildlife always saying its about keeping things in check. Pros and Cons that can and cannot be agreed upon.
Oregon is now in the toilet and unless you get way back in the back country or hunt Private you run raged just looking for any really good bucks. Sure as they say they are there and yes there are some but nothing like it used to be. We have heard every scenario in the world from the dept of why there is none. I mean every scenario!
As an Out of Stater whom just absolutely loves chasing mules has put my family group of 4 from Oregon Hunting to Colorado, and Utah.
Back in 2007 when Oregon gave out to many Buck and Doe tags along with the Roosevelt Elk herd which was the trophy area on the Oregon Coast gone to crap. Then Killing a lot of cows in December that are Bred. Meaning Killing a cow late your killing 2 with each Cow shot. The departments way working with timber companies to keep the herds in check. To many tags Kills everything to keep the herds in check. I'm old but Give me a Brake! I think sometimes these Bios only know what the book says. Sorry! But I have seen this and hate to see it start in a wonderful State like Colorado.
Its premiere hunting has been the best with lots of Elk, Fish, and Deer. It sedans me even though I'm not a resident to see these things happen. I hate too many hunters added to a unit, I hate to have to see it go back to a seven day season, But! with the new added dates this was a must or it would of even gotten worse for those big mature Bucks.
My gawd then 4th season is in late November and I'm so surprised that the local residents are not going nuts cut to seven days with one weekend to hunt for many?
I guess we will just wait to see what happens. But ! I'm also seeing a huge tag drop after the 2021 season and a hard draw for everyone. Maybe I'm wrong but we will definitely see. Its Only my theory But its a good one. 166096_1595991656745_5841454_n[1].jpg
Thank You for letting me share. Hunter/sculler72
Just now seeing this thread. I have hunted Unit 70 in Colorado for elk in the late seasons and seen some tankers of mule deer bucks walking around out there.... All near the Lone Cone Peaks feeding/rutting.
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