Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Colorado GMU 54


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2020
All, hoping to start up another Colorado gmu 54 thread For 2020. I think I have read most of the previous threads on 54 And have so far spent a decent amount of time e scouting and have some ideas
Most threads from the last 4 years aren’t overly positive on the unit - hoping that’s to my advantage.

I drew a first rifle bull elk tag and will be going with a buddy that drew a cow tag. We are both adult onset hunters and haven’t succeeded in harvesting an elk yet - but each year we get more motivated and learn more - definitely didn’t deserve to get one the first few years we tried! We have hunted different areas each year which doesn’t help and I have never been to 54. (Last year we hunted 64 first rifle and 371 later season and a few others in prior years) In any case we are rather motivated and willing (Prefer in fact) to go places that are gnarly and steep. But I am worried there’s so much advice out there to go where other people won’t that everyone is gonna do that! Plus 54 is big and I will probably only manage to finagle 3 full hunt days and a day before season scout from the wife and kids. Any first hand intel thats from the last few years would be GREATLY appreciated! Please shoot me a pm if you would be willing to offer any specifics.

I understand many elk on the eastern side move to private at or before the start of first rifle. However can it be expected that some lone bulls will hold up and recuperate from the rut in some of the steep and heavy timber on the Easter portion of the unit? (Not talking way East carbon creek- just eastern west elk wilderness). Based on what I have read about the horse camps up soap creek and into soap basin I am turned off about hunting there.
Again thanks for any help!
it's been a few years but I won't be going back there. It's really rough country and low numbers of elk. Met 1 guy the hole season that got a legal bull. He had horses and was going way back in.
I hunted elk for the first time in 54. Shot one the first day (then didn't see another for the next 4 days trying to get my friend's tag filled). I know several other folks who have hunted it successfully. If you do your homework and you're willing/able to access those gnarly places, you have a real chance of getting your shot. The deck is stacked against you, but that's elk hunting, in my experience... It's a beautiful place. Enjoy, get in good shape, come prepared with at least 3 different game plans so that you can adapt quickly, spend as much time scouting/acclimating as you can, and get a burger at the Power Stop. Good luck!
I hunted elk for the first time in 54. Shot one the first day (then didn't see another for the next 4 days trying to get my friend's tag filled). I know several other folks who have hunted it successfully. If you do your homework and you're willing/able to access those gnarly places, you have a real chance of getting your shot. The deck is stacked against you, but that's elk hunting, in my experience... It's a beautiful place. Enjoy, get in good shape, come prepared with at least 3 different game plans so that you can adapt quickly, spend as much time scouting/acclimating as you can, and get a burger at the Power Stop. Good luck!
I echo all of this. I’ve hunted 54 the last three years and have always found elk after hiking into some gnarly patches of shit. Physical conditioning plays a huge role in folks success in that unit, all the guys I ran into hunting from their wheeler or side by side were woefully disappointed.
I was in there 2 days last year. I was looking for elk during 2nd season, didn’t find any but saw lots of deer.
Plenty of elk in 54 according to my sightings the one time I've hunted it. The most elk I've seen on an elk hunt thus far...problem was they were mostly spikes and cows. There were 4 of us drop camped and there was only 1 day that at least 1 of us didn't lay eyes on elk.

Did see a nice deer in there too. He was at about 10k feet though during 1st rifle.
I hunted first rifle w-a-y back in 2011 (hunted gmu 55 since) and I could probably send you some information about that hunt if'n you want. PM me and I will try to PM you back...I'm very poor with computers.
I’ve hunted adjacent 53 archery last year. There were saw some bulls glassing up high on the edges of 53/54, but wasn’t able to close the distance. It would had been a 10+ mile pack out if I did kill, so yeah horses would be handy.
I have a 2nd rifle deer tag in this unit if I don’t have to turn it back in for schedule reasons. Would be happy to exchange notes with folks if I do end up going.
Yeah, the unit is rather large and certainly deserves the full 5 days and maybe more than one full scouting day.

Day 3 of the season has been my most consistently successful day on elk. Opening day is the next successful. Usually there is a day or two before that moving into camp. If you are familiar with the country 3 days is enough. But coming in cold, a couple of days of looking at canyons and ridges from different sides gives you a lot better idea of where the elk might be.

As a general rule find a unit and stick with it. A couple of years hunting one unit makes so much difference in knowing where to look for elk. Plus how to get from one hotspot to another along the terrain. You become a lot more efficient putting yourself where you will SEE elk. Once you FIND the elk, then you can formulate a plan to get into killing range.

If possible get to your unit before the season and just figure out where you can get from and how to get from one to another easily. Then you might have a chance of killing in 3 days.
Have any of you seen any nice deer in 54? I have a third season tag this year.
I have a 2nd rifle deer tag in this unit if I don’t have to turn it back in for schedule reasons. Would be happy to exchange notes with folks if I do end up going.
There's some dandy bucks in 54. Should have no problem filling a tag there. Just get out of the truck and walk away from it until you can't see it anymore. My son got his first buck there a really nice 4x4


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How did the hunt go? I’ll be there at the end of the month. How are the road conditions? Any snow?
I've hunted 54 a couple times with a tag and without (helping a friend). Never actually got anything but found legal bulls each time and one absolute smoker bull who had found the perfect place to make a living. Found plenty of deer too and a couple really nice bucks (in the exact same place two years in a row..). My experience is that there are definitely animals in there and it will certainly require work whether you kill something or not (sound familiar!?). It is also a tough place to get on animals and get a good shot. That giant bull I mentioned required either a 500 yard cross canyon shot or a timber sneak to get in his lair. I chose the latter and got to 30 yards before he busted me and I had to get closer for a shot. Had a few other frustrating moments in there but the hunting was always exciting!

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