Colorado deer suggestions?

There's a guy on here named Terry...seems to do very well every year on 3rd or 4th choice tags. Maybe he will chime in. Good luck. I only kill trophy spikes
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Look, I don't tell a lot of people about this, but there's a little known spot in 104 that gets zero hunting pressure and holds some studs. Even has a bunch of bison. You might have to jump a fence to get on it, though.

PS- don't drink the groundwater.
Not looking for anyone's honey hole, but I'm currently sitting on zero points and am wondering if anyone has thoughts on where to apply for a reasonable chance at a mature buck (180"-200"). I'm a resident if it matters. Thx.
Of all the mule deer hunters I know, you are the last person needing advice with regard to locating/shooting GIANT mulies.

That gave me a good laugh today. Thank you Terry.
I interrupt the sarcasm with this question: Is the new season structure rollback gonna bring back the days of the early 2000s or has management philosophy just changed too much to ever get us there again?

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